Chapter 11

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TW indication of ab//se, mild anxiety attack

The doorbell rang. It was a few hours after breakfast, and Kazuichi was watching Gundham's rats run around their cage as the breeder checked some things for the old dog. Another fear Kazuichi had picked up was an anxiety around doorbells ringing. He froze. Gundham didn't seem to notice.

The pink-haired man was still as he listened to the muffled sounds of Gundham's mother opening the door and talking to whoever was there. Then, her voice was clearer. "Gundham! Soda! There's Someone at the door for you!"

Gunham looked up, stood up, and walked over to listen better. "Pardon?" He called up the stairs.

"There are some gentlemen at the door!"

"Oh, we shall be up in a moment!"

"We will?!" Kazuichi said, with a lot less confidence than he'd hoped.

"Of course," Gundham looked at him in confusion and suddenly noticed how tense Kazuichi was. "You seem uncomfortable."

"I don't like doorbells ringing," the boy hissed through clenched teeth.

"Ah, I see, another irrational fear."

"Not really irrational-"

"It is irrational. Now come on," he beckoned at the mechanic, who begrudgingly got up and started to follow him up the stairs.

"Hold on officer, they're coming." Kazuichi stopped in his tracks as Gundham's mother's voice reached his ears again. But he was already at the top of the stairs. He was almost there. He refused to walk any further. Gundham looked at him, and to Kazuichi's surprise, he nodded and walked over without him. The pink haired boy listend from behind the wall.

"Hello son-"

"Greetings officer."

"Gundham would you be able to... speak like you used to please?"

"No mother I cannot."

"... well ok then."

"Anyway, we've been sent to check all the houses in the area, there's been a missing kid reported."


Kazuichi felt anxiety surge through him and clamped his hand over his mouth. He felt like he was going to be sick.

"This child you seek, what of their appearance?"


"He means what do they look like, sorry."

"Uh, pink hair, pink eyes, sharp teeth, young adult, that's about all we got given."

Kazuichi felt himself getting dizzy. No no no my father's found me no no no I can't go back I can't go back I can't go-

"Soda? Can you come here?"


"Soda? Gundham could you go get him?"

"Of course mother."

Kazuichi jumped as Gundham came around the corner. "You need to come and talk to the police people, Soda mortal."

"I-I-I can't," the boy stammered leaning against the wall.

"You can tell them what your father does, maybe he'll get arrested?"

"N-no I can't th-they won't b-believe me."

"Mortal," Kazuichi jumped as Gundham gently put a hand on his shoulder. "My father was a horrible person too, he deserved to burn in the pits of hell and some day he will."

"But I can't, he's the only family I have that I can get too... please let me stay with you, please!" He shout whispered.

Gundham shook his head sadly. "You have to come with me mortal, you have to talk to them."

"I c-can't," he sniffed.

"Yes you can, it'll be ok mortal," to Kazuichi's surprise, Gundham reached for his hand. "Come on, let's go."

Kazuichi paused for a moment, then... "o-ok."

They walked towards the door, Gundham only letting go of Kazuichi's hand when they came in slight of his mother and the two policemen.

"Aha! There he is, you ok kid?" One of the policemen chuckled.

"..." Kazuichi didn't answer.


"... I'm fine."

"Oh that's good, your father seemed worried as hell." Yeah right, he hasn't given a shit about my well-being since the day I was born.


"... sure?"


The police officer looked concerned. "Is there something you wanna tell us about your dad?"

"Nope, everything's fine," Kazuichi pulled himself together long enough to lie.

"Ah ok," the man grinned at him. "You gotta come back to the station, ok? I can't let you stay out here, you're dad wants you home, ok?"

"... ok."

"Now get any stuff you brought with you and we'll wait for you."

Kazuichi nodded and went out of view again, hiding on the stairs. He rubbed his face with his hands. Suddenly, he felt Gundham's hand on his shoulder again. "Mortal."


"Do you... wish for my phone number?" Kazuichi stared at him. "So you can... communicate with me when you are struggling...?"

"... uh. Sure I guess," he opened his phone and handed it to the breeder, who typed in some characters and then handed it back.

"Thank you mortal."

Kazuichi laughed unenthusiastically, trying to make light of a bad situation. "Why you so worried about me all of a sudden?"

Gundham looked away. "I simply feel bad for you, and am trying to make up for how I've treated you in the past."

"Huh, ok then."

"Mortal we should go get your stuff."

"Yeah, probably."

The boys left the room and went upstairs to get Kazuichi's bag, and to say goodbye to the rat he'd been holding earlier. Before they went downstairs, Gundham awkwardly pat him on the head. "What was that for?"

"... affection," Gundham looked away again. Kazuichi stared at him for a moment.

"Thanks I guess." He'd never admit it, but he kinda liked it. He felt himself go red. It's just because it's awkward, no other reason, ok?

They went downstairs in silence. The policemen and Ms Tanaka were waiting, seemingly making small talk. "C'mon then kid, let's go," one of the policeman said. When Kazuichi didn't move, he put a hand on his shoulder. Kazuichi tried to hide a gasp of fear and keep a straight face. The only way he could describe this situation was 'increasingly distressing', and he certainly wasn't enjoying it.

"You can see your friend at school on Monday, ok?" The policeman smiled.

If I get to Monday...

"I'm not 10, I'm 18," he accidentally said out loud.

"Ight, I know this is kinda humiliating in general so I probably deserve that."

The boy reluctantly followed the policemen outside and into their car. Never thought I'd be in a cop car for something my dad got me to do.

He didn't look back at the house as he was driven home.



I needed to write angst ok <//3 I'll probably have another one out soon, I write sad shit when I'm sad

Song: Anxiety Song by Human Petting Zoo

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