Chapter 9

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TW wounds left by abuse, talk of abuse

"What do you mean Mortal Soda?"

"Um... I uh..." fuck this was a terrible idea "can... can I... ugh, why is this so hard to explain. Hold on."

Kazuichi pulled the sleeve of his turtleneck over his fist and rubbed at his neck until it was stained with foundation and the dark pink bruise was visible on his throat. Gundham tilted his head a little, questioningly.

"I guess you need to see more, huh?" Kazuichi pulled up his sleeve so the other boy could see the bruises and the few cuts covering his arm. Gundham stared at him. "Where... where did you get those from?"

"I... my dad."

"Your father did this to you?!" Kazuichi was surprised, Tanaka seemed genuinely angry.

"Uh... well, there's no one else at home so yeah-"

"For how many moons has this been happening?"


"Ugh, uh, how long?"

"I guess... a while? I dunno, I think it was happening before mum left, but-"

"Your mother is not at your home?"

"No, she lives with a close friend now."

"Oh, I presume to escape your father's abuse?"

"I guess... oh."

"Are you uncomfortable?"

"Well, no, but, it just clicked for me that my mum didn't leave me, she escaped. I've been feeling guilty for no reason for years..."

"Attempt to not hang on that thought, Mortal, we must return to the current issue. How long has your mother been away for?" Gundham was still staring at Kazuichi but it was less unnerving now, honestly it was quiet comforting. Gundham was clearly worried, Kazuichi couldn't tell why, but somehow, Gundham cared about him, which was weird but at least he didn't really hate him anymore.

"Uh, well, I'm eighteen and it's September now, and she left um I think when I was eight? I barely remember it. It was a few days after my birthday... I think... and she couldn't risk taking me with her. Dad hit me more after that," the mechanic concluded.

"Your father has been viciously attacking you for nine years? Soda... I'm... I apologise deeply," Gundham's eyes were full of regret.

"Why are you saying sorry? You didn't do anything," Kazuichi sighed.

"I have been mean to you for-"

"You do realised I'm the asshole here right?" He interrupted. The breeder looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm the one who always disliked you for no reason. I thought you were weird as hell cos you liked animals or some shit, I dunno. Oh yeah, and I pretended to despise you because I had to keep up the cover that I was in love with your girlfriend..."

"Girlfriend? Of what do you speak?" Gundham sounded genuinely confused.

"Y'know, Sonia? The princess who I've faked simping for for the past year or so?"

"Slow down mortal, I am incredibly befuddled. So let me get this straight. For one, you do not actually despise me? Two, you are not actually in love with the beautiful princess Nevermind? And for a third thing... you think the princess is my lover?" Gundham stared at him in confusion. Kazuichi stared back with equal confusion.

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