Chapter 5

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"And then Ibuki almost fell in the ocean, but my sister grabbed my arm so I was ok!" Ibuki finished her story with a flourish of her sandwich. "So how's the Sonia obsession going?"

Kazuichi choked on his drink. "The what?"

"Y'know, how you keep flipping out whenever someone shows any interest her?"

"Oh uh, yeah... the uh, the crush on Sonia," he looked down nervously at the table. "So the thing is... uh... can you keep a secret?"

"Catgirl Ibuki at your service, secret keeper extraordinaire!" Ibuki gently saluted, giving yet another flourish of her sandwich.

"So um... I don't like her. I don't... I don't think..." Kazuichi took a deep breath. "Ok so I've never told this to anyone, and I don't think I've really admitted it to myself, but... I don't think I like girls." He looked anxiously up at the watching girl, waiting for a response.

"Oh cool! I mean I think women are poggers as heck, but whatever you want," she smiled and took a bite of her sandwich. Kazuichi stared at her.

"You're not upset at me?" He asked.

"No, why would I be? Ibuki doesn't like men, but you can if you want."

"I... oh, uh, cool. Wait I didn't know you were a lesbian?"

"Yup, asexual lesbian to be precise!" Ibuki explained happily. "I'm pretty gay. Oh wait yeah Ibuki is trans too. Very trans. I liked women so much I became one. Joking, Ibuki was born like this, I couldn't choose it. It sucks sometimes but Ibuki is poggers enough to get through it. Pog through the pain!"

Kazuichi stared at her. He had not been expecting this response, but he wasn't upset, just... surprised.

"You ok Soda man? You look a little out of it."

"Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just wasn't expecting that response," Kazuichi rubbed his face.

"Oh, sorry Ibuki surprised you!"

"No it's chill! Again, I was just surprised, it's ok," he smiled up at her and saw her nibbling on her sandwich.

"So do you actually like anyone?" She asked through a mouthful of bread and... whatever she had in between the bread.

"I don't think so."


"No. I don't," Kazuichi took a swig of his drink.

"Welp, if you do, feel free to ask Ibuki for help!" Ibuki winked at him.

"Yeah, yeah, ok," he dramatically looked back at her. "How about you?"

Ibuki giggled. "I mean... Ibuki does like someone, but..."

"You wanna tell me?"

"Can Ibuki trust you?"

"Hmmmm... not yet!"

"Oi! What you bastards talking about?" Kazuichi jumped as he heard Fuyuhiko yelling from behind him. "You simping after Mioda now? Dude she's gay-"

"Shut up Kuzuryu, I know she's gay, she's just my friend, jeez," the pink haired boy sighed as Fuyuhiko pulled out a chair and sat down next to him.

"Whatever, you good?" The tiny man asked, Peko standing silently behind him.

"Hello Mioda," the swords woman asked quietly.

"Hiya Pekoyama! How are you?" Ibuki responded excitedly. Kazuichi noticed the blush across her cheeks and grinned. Don't worry Ibuki, I agree, girls with swords are cool.


Ok sorry this is short, Ibuki is fun as hell to write tho so

She's always a background character in Soudam stuff or just fics in general, she's usually just there to host parties, but I always think she and Soda would be really good friends so she's gonna be around a lot more, don't worry

Writing her is free serotonin

Song: Space Girl by Frances Forever (just because this is Ibuki being soft and she'd definitely listen to either intense heavy metal or soft lesbian music with no in-between)

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