Chapter 17

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TWs: ab//se trauma, child ab//se, talk of animal death

Kazuichi finished his toast and looked over and Gundham who was still eating. He didn't say anything, but smiled awkwardly. Gundham smiled back, looking a little uncomfortable at the eye contact. "You've finished that up very quickly," Ms Tanaka commented as she passed them. Kazuichi nodded awkwardly. "You still hungry?"

"Yeah?" He replied.

"You want any more?"

"Na it's ok," he quickly tried to retract his statement.

"It's ok, you can have as much as you want," she tried to reassure him.

"No no it's ok," Kazuichi was much more scared than he'd admit. He could feel himself start to panic.

"Soda," he looked up anxiously as she said his name. "Would you like another piece of toast?"

"Um... yes please."

"Of course," she grinned at him and walked back to the toaster.

"It is simply some toast, mortal, you may have more if you are still consumed with hunger," Gundham tilted his head like confused puppy.

"I wouldn't say 'consumed', aha," the boy tried to laugh it off.

"We will not get upset if you wish to eat more food, my mortal."

"..." Kazuichi stayed silent as he was passed another slice of toast by Gundham's mother. He paused a moment until no one was looking at him, and started to nibble on the toast's corner. The adrenaline washed over him a wave, making his head ache a little, and stopped. He couldn't understand why he had an overwhelming feeling of guilt over a piece of overcooked bread. He was still thinking about it as he followed his friend down into the animal room.

"What is wrong mortal?"

"Hmm?" Kazuichi blinked and realised he'd torn a piece of lettuce into smithereens. The rats were running back and forwards in their cage, sniffing the air.

"You seem distracted, what is wrong?" Gundham stared at him, trying to read his face. Mayonaka was hanging onto his tanktop.


"Of what?"

"... 'bout food."

"The creature food?"

"Na," Kazuichi chuckled a little at Gundham's confusion. "My food."

"You make food?"

"Na, I'm uh..." he hesitated. "I can't stop thinking about how I reacted to your mum this morning."

"You were not rude to my mother?" Gundham started to rub between Mayonaka's ears. The black cat purred. "I do not understand."

"She offered me more toast and it almost made me have a panic attack, Gundham," Kazuichi frowned. Gundham seemed surprised.

"I was no quite aware of your emotions being that array."

"You didn't notice? This also happened with the police."

"But that is a scary situation, it 'twas related to your father, mortal."

"Well my father's the root of all my problems apparently," Kazuichi grumbled, and then he stopped a moment, thinking. "Whenever I... try to take more food at home... he yells and me and stuff..." he looked up at Gundham. "Y'know uh, the bandaid I've had on my face for the past week?"

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