part 4

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Young-hee got home she ran to her mom who was in the kitchen making food.

Y: mom. Mom!
M: what it is my darling?
Y: look at this.

She show her mom a hired paper at a daycare.

Y: is it okay if I work here?
M: at a daycare? But your only 14.
Y: it doesn't say age requirement, I just want to help to make a bit of money for you guys.

Her mom smile and pat her head and nodded.

M; okay. You can.
Y: heh thank you mom!

Young-hee smile and went upstairs and as she was about to pass jimins room she hears him talking on the phone.

Y: aish is he gotta be in his room all day?

As she try to lead to listen he open the door she temble and got up, jimin was looking at her.

Jm; what you doing?
Y: yah. Who you talking to?
Jm: thats none of your business.

Young-hee chick her tongue and as she was about to walk away she saw his lips purple.

Y: did you got into a fight at school?
Jm: what i say its none of your business.
Y: did you got expelled or something?

Jimin annoyed her and pass push her and went downstairs.

Y: yah! So rude. What kind of older brother are you?

Young-hee brush her arm and went to her room, went straight to her laptop and started applying for the daycare she smiles.

Y: tomorrows the weekend.

When she got done applying she changed to her sleeping clothes she then got a call from jungkook, she looked sad but force a smile to come out and answer the call.

Y: yes kookie!
Jk: did you get home safe? I was gotta walk you home.
Y: well you were busy talking to I left.
Jk: oh yeah about her..she confess to me.
Y: really? What you say?
Jk; I accepted her..we're now girlfriend boyfriend.
Y: congrats...

She then heard jimin call her.

Y: i gotta go.

Young-hee hang up and went out of her room and went downstairs.

Y: what?
Jm: we ran out of bandages go get me some.
Y: *sigh* fine.

She was only wearing oversize shirt with shorts under she put on her shoes grab her wallet and left to the pharmacy store that is 3 blocks away from her house.

Y: its dark and I'm out here alone.

She got there and started looking for bandages and alcohol to fix up jimin, she didn't realize in yeop was in there too he saw her.

Y: got it. Imma go pay.

She pay then walk out of the store she was on her phone then she saw 3 guys walking towards her she look up.

Y: oh...
G1: a hig schooler?
G2: gosh she's cute.

Young-hee was walking backwards shaking then were walking towards her slowly.

G3: where you going young girl.
Y: .....
G1: you must be scared here let's walk you home.

The guy grab her arm she shook her head and was trying to get out his grip.

Y: no! Let me go!
G1: aish!

He push her away she feel on the ground looking up at the 3 guys one of them smirk taking off his bent Young-hee saw and was so scared she couldn't move.

Y: no!

She looked away and then all of a sudden the guy got kick.

In yeop pov: I was at the pharmacy getting something for my parents at home i got the items and as I was about to go pay for them I saw young-hee enter looking at bandages and alcohol, looks like she's busy as well shopping. I saw her pay and left so I went and pay for my, I walk out and saw her walking far away so I decided to just follow her snice its dark, until I saw her getting approch by 3 adults. I saw one one of them taking off their bent so I ran up to him and kick his stomach.

Young-hee kpet eyes close not even looking when the 4 of them fighting she hread 3 dumps on the floor she jump.

I: young-hee! You okay?

In yeop hold her both arms she hold onto his arms and open her eyes and there she saw him infront of her and see the 3 guys ok the floor injured, she lead out a cry.

Y: i was so scared....*sobbing*

This was the first time he saw her cry he didn't know what to do to clam her down so he hugged her and pat her back. Later after she clam down they where sitting on a bench.

I: why you came to the pharmacy alone?
Y: i needed to buy my brother bandages he got into a fight at his school.
I: what year is he in?
Y: junior.
I: aish! He should come along with you.
Y: don't be mad at him...I should be he's my brother. Yah.

She grab his chin and face him to her in yeop widened his eyes.

Y: aish. You should worry about yourself look at you, your burise up to.
I: its fine.
Y: no its not fine here let me care it.

Young-hee open the bag and open the alcohol and q-tip and started to apply it on him, he flinched.

Y: don't move.
I: s-sorry.

In yeop was looking at her snice she was so close.

Y: all done.

She smiled and her phone ring.

Y: hello? Oh yeah im on my way sorry oppa! Bye. Sorry in yeop I should go my brother's waiting.
I: let me-
Y: no its okay. Im running there anyways. Bye.

She rans off in yeop scoff and side smile at her. Young-hee got home and went upstairs to jimins room.

Y: here!

She threw him the bag.

Y: don't send me out late at night again!
Jm: yah its open.
Y: i had to use it on my....f-friend he was in a fight.

Young-hee slam shut his room door and went to her room she hop on her bed and started to roll around.

Y: ahhhh!!! I just did that....

Her flashback when she was applying medicine on in yeop.

Y: *sigh*

Her phone then light up she grab it and it was a text from in yeop.

I: wanna hang out tomorrow?
Y: where?
I: just at the park.
Y: sure.

Young-hee then got a text from jungkook.

Jk: hey I need help on finding a great place for a date.
Y: your taking iu out right?
Jk; yeah.
Y: well take her to a coffee store so you two can get to know each other more.
Jk: great idea thanks.
Y: np.

Young-hee yawned and went to bed.

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