part 47

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Its been few days and jungkook has a cast on his leg and arm now he also has a eye patch on his right eye he needs that to cover the scar for a bit so it can heal, meanwhile young-hee was at work just working really hard for jungkook and everything else her home and stuff she was getting ready to go home until she got a call.she her phone and it was eunwoo  she smiles and answer his call.

Y: hello eunwoo?
E: hey how you been?
Y: im good, well just tired of working for jungkook and for the house.
E: how's your baby?
Y: well the docter told me that he will be due early.
E: I see.
Y: so why you call?
E: oh wanna hang out for a bit?
Y: sure I was just getting off, where to meet you?
E: ill give you the address.

She hangs up and eunwoo text her the address she went to her car and drove to the address that eunwoo.sent her, she went inside the building.

Y: hey eunwoo.
E: hey.

She sat down across of him.

Y: its been so long since. How's school?
E: its going great.
Y: I saw your post on ig with inyeop.
E: yeah.
Y: you guys made up.
E: we did.
Y: thats good to hear I'm glad.

He smiles at her they continued to catch up and etc then later they went home. Young-hee was making food for her parents.

Y: mom when will jimin come visit me here?
M: ah he is busy with the university and is at his girlfriends place I'm not sure when he well come.
Y: is he even my brother? Why is he not visiting me or jungkook, I'm his baby sister and jungkook is his brother in law does he not care?
M; I bet he does sweetie, he's just busy with homework, school, and work.

Young-hee chop the onion madly and growl.

Y: gosh.

After finishing cooking they all ate together.

D: young-hee you went to the hospital the other day right?
Y: yeah.
M: what? Why?
Y: well I was having pain on my stomach I'm not.sure if it was sanghoon kicking me or it was a cramp, so I went to see and my doxter say that he might come early.
M: oh my goodness, maybe it's cause he's growing big.
Y: yeah.

She pat her belly and smile.

Y: but I can't wait to see him, I bet jungkook well be happy.
D: well he be there?
Y: yeah even though he'll be in a wheelchair.
M: thats good to hear.
Y: yeah.

After finishing eating young-hee decides to stay up all night doing work before any of the paper is due so she stay up working all night,.she then finish and fell asleep on the desk next morning she woke up shock that she feel asleep on her desk she rub her eyes.

Y: oh gosh...I fell asleep here? Ugh.

She got up and changed to go to work she got up and was crossing out the calendar she saw that it's now 4 weeks and the next month was coming close she sigh.

Y: im also due...but next month.

She rub her belly and got out of her room and went to her car then drove off to work she then got to work and started turning in her work. After turning that in she sat back down and was so tired. Meanwhile at the hospital jungkook was eating the hospital food there and was in his wheelchair wondering around the hospital he then saw someone familiar at the hospital he gasp and roll up to the person.

Jk: sunho?

It was his friend at his school that he graduate in, sunho turn to him.

S: hey jungkook woah! Your a messed.
Jk: I know.
S: what happened?
Jk: got into a accident but don't worry I'm healing slowly.
S: ah.
Jk: so what you doing here?
S: oh well.
Jk: did something happen between you and your wife?
S: alittle.
Jk: what happen? Is she here too?
S: yeah she's here it's just umm...well remember I told you that me and her are trying to get pregnant?
Jk: yeah...
S: well we check in and see if she is pregnant.
Jk: well is she?
S: im not sure yet she's still seeing her docter.
Jm: ah ok. Well hope you guys get pregnant.
S: yeah. Oh how's your wife?
Jk: she's gotta be due early next month.
S; oh..I see. Lucky that she's pregnant.
Jk: hey don't worry about it your wife will get pregnant.

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