part 15

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They were all watching the play that was going on in the festival inyeop and euwoo was right behind them young-hee looked at the juice that eunwoo give her she sigh and open it then drink it. About a hour the play was over everyone was leaving inyeop was waiting for jungkook and iu to come back out of the school snice they went to get things inside their class she was waiting and waiting and then eunwoo and inyeop came out she was shock for a bit but avoid him inyeop, eunwol walk up to her instead of inyeop he stays back.

E: hey.
Y: hey heading home?
E; well yeah.
Y: did you have fun?
Y: yeah totally.'s inyeop feeling?

Eunwoo turn to inyeop who was looking at the floor playing with dirt.

E: not to well i guess. He's been like this snice that night.
Y: oh.

Jungkook and iu finally came out.

Jk: oh hey inyeop.
I: oh hey...

Jungkook walk up to eunwoo and young-hee.

Jk: hey eunwoo.
E: hey. Leaving?
Jk; yeah. Ready young-hee?
Y: yeah well bye guys.

She smile and walk away with iu and jungkook, inyeop sigh, they later went home. Young-hee got home she was looking through pictures of her and inyeop together at the amusement park, hanging out etc etc she sigh and thought about what eunwoo say she shake it off and look at the pictures that she printed out and put it on her makeup mirror she put her hands on the desk and started writing on her notebook. Her phone buzzed she look at it and it was jungkook she pick up the call.

Y: hello.
Jk: hey um how you feeling?
Y: what you mean? I'm great.
Jk; your avoiding inyeop. Your face was obviously trying not to look at him.
Y: I say awful things to him okay...
Jk; im your best friend young-hee tell here for you.
Y: well to be hurt, im sad that I lost a friend close to me...I say awful things and well *sigh* I think he hates me now.
Jk: he does not young-hee.
Y: how am I gotta face him tomorrow? Act like nothing happen?
Jk: no.
Y: then give me a advice on what to do?
Jk: well just act normal and act like yourself, don't worry to much one day you guys will come around.
Y: yeah...
Jk: just be happy and be with me and iu.
Y: no. No. No. Im not gotta be a third wheel with your guys relationship no, she's going to hate me and break up with you so no.
Jk: oh right. Ok fine just get some space for yourself and just your mind on the right things.
Y: yeah...thank you jungkook.
Jk: hey im always here if you need me.
Y; I know. Hey your 2th month anniversary with iu is coming up focus on that.
Jk: I will.
Y; ok bye.
Jk; bye.

She hang up and close her notebook and went to bed. Next morning young-hee was getting ready for school she remember what jungkook told her last night.

Y: *breath out* ok act normal don't look to obvious, act normal okay.

Young-hee show a smile as she was about to grab her backpack and leave she look at the necklace inyeop give her for her 15th birthday she grab it and put it around her neck.

Y; at least I have you. Okay let's do this.

She grab her phone and ran outside she put on her headphones and started walking and dancing to her favorite music. She got to school and saw jungkook and iu waiting for her, iu waved at her she smile and wave back and then without knowing inyeop motorcycle went pass her.

Y: ahh!

Young-hee trip and fell cause his motorcycle was pretty close to hitting her.

Y: aish! Darn him.

He took off his helmet and look at young-hee, jungkook and iu ran up to her.

Iu: are you okay?
Y: yeah im fine.

She was wiping the dirt away from her uniform, inyeop eyes widened cause the necklace was out and he saw it.

Inyeop pov: she's wearing it.

Inyeop wanted to go up and say sorry but he kept thinking about that night.

Y; don't show your face to me again.

Inyeop shake his head and walk away young-hee looked at him and was sad.

Young-hee pov: he did this cause he hates me now.

She smile at iu and they all walk together to class. Young-hee got to the class and was hoping around with happiness cause she was happy jungkook and iu was making her feel better.

Y; after school let's go eat Korean BBQ.  Soojin should come with us to.
S: really i can?
Y; yeah because well I don't want to be jungkook and ius third wheel.

She wrap her hands around soojin.

S; ok ill join.
Y: aren't your guys 2nd month anniversary coming up?
Iu; yeah.
S&Y: ooooo~~~~
Jk: stop it guys your making us blush.

Young-hee and soojin giggle and walk to their desk young-hee stopped and saw inyeop looking up at her she clear her throat fix her long black hair and sat down.

Y: should I trim my hair? work money is paying off good maybe I can after getting BBQ with jungkook.

Young-hee was talking to herself and was smiling. Inyeop looked at her then look away. Class begin.

T: students i hope you guys had fun at the festival.
All: yesss
T: well your holidays and exam is coming up so study hard everyone
All: yes!!

Class had begin and they were all taking notes for the up coming exam and everything else, after class young-hee was walking out with her notebook in hand studying.

S: young-hee!
Y; hm?

She turn around to soojin.

S: if you don't mind do want to come over to my place.
Y: why?
S: well to help me study snice you look smarter and know alot of things.
Y; sure. Let's go together to your place after eating BBQ.
S: okay.

They smile and walk out inyeop was talking with eunwoo he sigh and flip his crown hair, eunwoo looked at him.

E: you need to make up for her.
I; I will. I will. Im just waiting for the right time.

Eunwoo nod and pat his shoulder and walk out inyeop went after him. It was lunchtime she was eating with everyone else and talking about their exam coming up.

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