part 39

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After a few days of staying at the hospital for check ups young-hee was fully recovered they have remove her stitches and she just has a scar now, jungkook was going to pick up young-hee and she is already changed ready to go home and have a good night rest. Jungkook made it to the hospital and went to young-hees room and helped her with the flowers and Ballons that everyone have gifted her to heal and feel better soon, after that jungkook walk her to their car.

Dress (snice she's pregnant )

Dress (snice she's pregnant )

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After going to the car jungkook drove off

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After going to the car jungkook drove off. Young-hee looked at jungkook and smiled.

Y: anything good happen at work?
Jk: yeah the sells are going great and we were celebrating it before I had to go pick you up.
Y: you should of stay mom and dad can come pick me up.
Jk: no no. I'm your husband I have to be with you at all cost.

Young-hee smiled.

Jk: what the doctor say?
Y: he say to be careful, sanghoon is healthy and well I've been hungry the whole time.
Jk: sanghoon making you hungry huh?
Y: yep.

They both smiled, then young-hee felt sanghoon moving around she looked down.

Y: oh your moving now? I know you must be hungry. Here feel him hon.

Young-hee grab jungkooks hand and put it on her belly and jungkook to felt the kick.

Jk: wow he is moving alot.
Y: he must hear us talking.

They smiled at each other and continued to drive home, they finally got home jungkook helped her get out of the car and jungkook was grabbing all the ballons with both hands while young-hee already was in the house she put down her bag and jungkook went back out to get the flowers after that jungkook sat down on the couch panting.

Jk: so tired.
Y: im hungry.

Young-hee grab the food in the refrigerator and heat it up then later put them on the dining table and started eating, jungkook went up to her and ate with her.

Y: you didn't have lunch today?
Jk: no i was so busy with work.
Y; I've got a call from my ceo.
Jk: oh yeah, What he say?
Y: he told me to take a day off for a few days.
Jk: did they fired the crazy employee?
Y: they did. Hes at a mental institution.
Jk: ah.

After finishing eating young-hee watched jungkook do dishes jungkook looked at her.

Jk: you should be resting Mrs. Jeon.
Y: I know. But don't call me that.

Jungkook chuckled, young-hee got up and headed upstairs to go to bed it was still the afternoon jungkook finished the dishes and went to the office to do work, after finishing jungkook enter the room and watch young-hee sleeping soundly he walked up to her sat next to her and lift up her pj shirt to see the cut that was healed he touched it softly young-hee moved and woke up jungkook riffle her hair.

Jk: hey...
Y: hey.

She was so tired, young-hee looked at him and hold his hand.

Y: whats wrong?
Jk: nothing...I was just looking at the cut.

Jungkook put her shirt back down, young-hee slowly got up and cup his cheeks with her plams he looked at her.

Y: im okay, sanghoon is okay. Nothing like this will happen again okay?
Jk: scared that it will.
Y: no. It won't happen I promise. Sanghoon will come out healthy with no problems.
Jk: ok.

Jungkook nodded she smiled and went in for a kiss, he close his eyes and kiss back. Young-hee broke the kiss and smiled at him.

Y: you wanna hear sanghoon?
Jk: sure.

Young-hee sat down on the bed and jungkook put his head on her belly to hear him, he did.

Y; im almost on my 30 week.
Jk: sanghoon I can't wait to meet you in a couple of months.

Jungkook lift his head up and looked at young-hee.

Jk: wanna shower?
Y: yeah.

She got off the bed and they went to the bathroom together. After showering together they later went to bed because it was getting dark, young-hee place her head on jungkooks chest snice he was still up on the headboard reading a book she was playing with his pj pants string.

Y: hon.
Jk: yeah?
Y: do you think when sanghoon hit the age of 4 or 5 will he want a younger siblings?
Jk: I think he will babe.
Y: I would love to give him another but I want a girl.

Jungkook giggle and pat her head.

Jk: alright it can be a girl I won't mind.
Y: and I'll name her jeon Hami.
Jk: thats a cute name.

Young-hee smiles and looked up at him he noticed it and look down.

Jk: yes~~~~~
Y: can I have a kissed then?

Jungkook sighed and bent down to kiss her but she moved.

Y: sike!

Young-hee was laughing.

Jk: yah.

Young-hee got up from his chest and grab her pillow and smack him with it while laughing.

Jk: yah your pregnant.
Y: I don't care! It's not like he'll pop out! Haha.
Jk: babe stop.
Y: nope.

She smack him again.

Jk: thats it.

Jungkook grab his pillow and hit her softly so she doesn't feel pain they were both laughing enjoying it. After that they lay down.

Jk: alright it's getting late we need some rest.
Y: give me a kiss then.
Jk: you better not dodge it.
Y: I won't.

Young-hee turn to him, jungkook turn to her and cup her cheek and kissed her slowly she smiles and kiss back.

Jk: there happy now?
Y: yes thank you.

Young-hee hugs him, he hugs back patting her head.

Y: I love you...
Jk: I love you too.

Young-hee then fell asleep. Jungkook look at the widow and sees the moon shining so bright and then sees a shooting star, he then made a wish.

Jk: I wish we live a happy family.

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