Chapter 1.) Ava... 6 months later...

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Copyright © _jasthewriter aka xjasrenae 2020 This is a work of fiction, the events/situations, that take place are fictional and came straight from my thoughts. I do not own the rights to any of the music or photos that I use, they are not mine but are available on public platforms. The photos are included to give readers a better idea of the character(s). You may not copy or use my work and claim it as your own in any way.


It was March, the third, it's been almost seven months since King walked away from Renae and it tore the family apart. He tried to remain in the house for the kids, but couldn't handle seeing Renae every day, especially when he presented her with the separation request.

Things seemed to hit the fan after that. Nothing was the same. The twins chose sides and stuck it out with Renae for the first two months until they began missing King.

The kids wanted to be upset, but once they looked at things from King's point of view, they realized that he put up with a lot and done a lot for everyone while putting himself last.

Did they want their parents love story to end on a bad note? Nope, but what would they do? It was out of their control. Kairo hated King for three months He felt as if King should have stuck it out, especially since Renae was sick and needed every one in her corner as her condition sadly, worsened.

Renae had to go back on chemo in January and it seemed as if things weren't getting any better for her. Kwan and Dajon figured that that was a major part of why King decided to leave, but he didn't know about her progress.

No one wanted to believe that he chose to leave on his own. They all assumed that he left because things got too heavy for him to handle and claimed that Renae being sick was his easy ticket out; It wasn't.

He needed to find himself again, outside of Renae and slowly, he's been managing. It was overwhelming but worth it.

Andrew got hit with domestic abuse and money laundering charges and was currently doing a five to ten in federal prison. Lucy was relieved. She assumed that King or Kwan would kill him once they found out about his plan, but since the kids were involved and were tired of that lifestyle, Dajon worked his magic and pulled some strings.

Turns out, Andrew's car business wasn't as legit as it seemed. All of the luxury cars that he would have shipped overseas, carried thousands of dollars and 2 million dollars worth of cocaine. The only way he got caught was by Eve and Alice stashing an entire bookbag of weed under the driver's seat.

It was after a company party, a cop that was on King's payroll followed Andrew for five miles before finally pulling him over for making an illegal U-turn and the rest is history. Eve and Alice were slowly getting back into the family back at arm's length, but anything was fine with Eve. But now she and Ary had issues.

Assyria was trying to figure herself out, Kairo was Kairo, and Kaari surprisingly was a part-time daycare teacher. Reign was back in therapy, she's been back for about two months, but Tish wasn't sure if it was helping, let alone did it seem as if Reign was wanting to heal.

Then there was Ava...

"Daddy?" Ava called for King as she walked through the house. It was the weekend and she had Kaari drop her off on her way to work. King moved back into his previous place from the first time he and Renae separated but this time, he had the place fully furnished.

Ava was over there almost every day and even though Kairo felt betrayed, wherever she went, he followed. They were still like two peas in a pod, but today, Ava just wanted to be away from everyone else.

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