Chapter 2.)

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"Do you think they'll get back together?" Ary asked Dajon as they laid in bed. It was 8 the next morning. Dante was still asleep; he took after Dajon with that. Zaire was sleeping over at Renae's with Kairo and Assyria. It was Saturday, the first day in five months that both Ary and Dajon had off.

"I think they will... I know King loves and is still in love with my sister, they just need time away from each other," he shrugged.

Ary stared up at the ceiling for a bit then hummed before speaking, "Ava called me last night... it seems as if Joie has worked her way into the house."

Everyone knew about Joie, but they thought the relationship between her and King was strictly professional. Obviously, Joie had other intentions and neither Yanna nor Ary liked it or where it could possibly be going.

"What I tell you about entertaining my niece and her fantasies? King ain't studying Joie," Dajon shook his head. He knew there was a chance King would slip but he wouldn't tell his wife that; that's what Kwan was for.

"She called me, what did you expect me to do, ignore her? She sounded sad. Kept saying that Joie was touching all on him and he was grinning a mile a minute... since when does King even blink at women other than Renae?" she sat up and stared at Dajon.

She had a point, but would he tell her that? Nope. Because he knew Yanna wanted to beat Joie's ass.

"Stop entertaining Ava and her imagination, she just wants her parents back under the same roof," he got up and headed into the bathroom.

Ary shook her head and picked up her cell phone. Going to Yanna's contact, she clicked on it and peeked towards the bathroom before getting up and headed into the hallway.

"Hello?" Yanna answered, sleep evident in her voice.

"Hey, good morning... so I tried to talk to Dajon about what we spoke about but he brushed it off... do you think he already knew this?"

"He's scared... Joie's dusty ass was supposed to be a couples therapist, that's it, but now her ass hanging with King outside of his sessions? He knows just like we all do, King let his fuckin' wall down and that bitch finna make her move."

Ary didn't like the way that things were going. She adored King's and Renae's relationship. Hell, she looked up to them. She knew just like everyone else knew that they were meant for each other. But now they had an extra person they would have to deal with in order to put the puzzle back together.

"Ary Jamila Davidson!"

"Oop, girl, he caught yo ass. Let me go before he calls Kwan on me," Yanna snickered before disconnecting the call.

Ary turned on and plastered on a smile just as Dajon stepped out into the hallway. "You gossiping early in the morning ain't you?"

"I was not," she waved him off as she headed back inside the room.

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you that yo ass is a bad liar... straight terrible," he shook his head, following her and she laughed.


"Ava?" King called as he walked through the living room searching for his car keys.

"Lil mama."

"Old man," she giggled, peeking around the corner.

Chuckling at her silliness, King turned toward her and squinted. He could always sense when she was up to something.

"Whaaaat?" she inwardly giggled, outing herself.

"You hid my keys?"

"Define hid," she smirked.

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