Chapter 26.)

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It was October 3rd. One of the best months of the year. The leaves have fallen onto the ground and created a crunchy blanket to walk on. The wind was mild, the sun only remained high for a bit then would hide behind the clouds. There was a sweet scent in the atmosphere as everyone prepared themselves for the exciting month of Halloween.

With it being the weekend, the kids were home, enjoying their free time. Renae and King were leaving Golden Corral after having another one of their breakfast dates. She had her follow-up appointment to go to around noon and was a bit nervous.

King kept reassuring her that things would be fine, but she couldn't help herself. She had her fair share of disaster and figured that that was all that she deserved in the world.

"What we doing tonight?" King asked as he leaned against the car staring at Renae.

"What do you want to do?" she stood between his legs and draped her arms around his neck.

"Movie night with tha' kids, but I think we should stop by to sit down with Reign," he suggested.

"We should... I just hate that she's so scared of me," Renae admitted.

King pulled her into him and placed his forehead against hers, "She's hurt ma."

"I know," she mumbled softly the sighed. "I messed up."

King leaned back and stared at her for a moment then furrowed his brows, "Should I be worried?"

Renae bit down on her bottom lip nervously and looked away.

"Renae," he grabbed her face and made her look at him.

"I never meant to hurt her," her eyes watered.

"Stop... baybeh stop," he pulled her into him.

"I'm sorry," she wiped her face. "I'm such a baby."

"You are," he chuckled and she frowned. "But you're mine."

Renae smiled softly.

"I love you," he rubbed his nose against hers.

Wiping her face, King placed a kiss on her forehead then opened the passenger door for her. getting situated in the car, King cut on the heat and headed in the direction of the hospital. It took around twenty-five minutes to get there and poor Renae refused to get out of the vehicle but King pulled her out.

After checking in, they sat in the lobby waiting to be called since they were thirty minutes early. Renae was relieved that there weren't many people inside but knew in the next hour or two, it would be busy. King busied himself with a car magazine and Renae laid with her head on his arm and traced his hand tattoo while humming a tune.

To strangers, they looked like a couple out of a movie. They looked perfect together and looked as if they never had a bad day in their life. But to the pair, they understood that they had their faults, but they were full of love.

"I wish we could have another baby... just one," Renae mumbled to herself but King heard her loud and clear.

The thought crossed his mind plenty of times. He always wanted a big family because he was an only child. He grew up with twins and always hoped that his mom and dad would somehow give him a little sister or brother but it never happened. And once Micah Sr. turned to drugs, King knew that idea and question was out of the picture.

He loved his kids, but he would admit that he wanted more or at least one more, but if it meant putting Renae at risk, that was a no-go.


"Baybeh girl," he answered and she smiled.

"Nothing," she nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck.

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