Chapter 42.) Consequences

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Sitting in the empty parking lot for what felt like hours as she stared at the address on the piece of paper, Renae bit down on her lip nervously. Part of her felt as if she was making a big mistake and the other part of her felt as if this was long overdue. Glancing at the building then the sheet of paper again, Renae opened the car door and exited.

Putting on her shades, she closed her tan-colored trench coat, and headed for the door. Entering the building, she walked up the stairs and gave herself a pep-talk to not go all crazy. She knew that she should have addressed this when King first told her what may have been but she was too afraid. Terrified that there was a chance that it could be true.

How was she supposed to act if the only man that she knew and loved was possibly expecting a baby outside of their marriage? How was she supposed to swallow that pill and act as if things would be fine when she knew that the kid would only be a reminder of what took place? What would the kids think? How would Dajon and Bryson treat her? How would they treat King?

Those were questions that she never thought of having to ask. But here she was, wondering and asking what if? Making it to the door, Renae twisted the knob and pushed it open slowly.

"Hello," the desk clerk greeted.

"Hi," Renae stepped into the room and walked towards the desk, "I'm here to interview with... Joie,"

"Go right on back," the desk clerk said and Renae stared at her shocked.

"Thanks," she headed towards the double doors.

Opening them, she entered a long hall and looked at the nameplates on the wall until her eyes landed on Joie's. Walking towards the closed door, she knocked and waited a few seconds.

"Come in."

Twisting the doorknob, Renae opened the door and stared at the woman who has been resting in the back of her mind for quite some time.

"Yes?" Joie stared at her.

Renae was a little stunned. She would admit that Joie was a gorgeous woman and seemed to favor her looks a bit. It was also a little nerve-wracking. Joie stared at Renae for a moment with creased brows trying to figure out why her face looked so familiar. When it registered who the woman standing before her was, her mouth went cotton dry.

"You know me, don't you?" Renae queried, catching the glimpse of fear flash in her eyes.

"We ran into each other at the hospital," Joie swallowed hard and forced a smile.

Stepping into the room, Renae closed and locked the door. Removing her shades, she placed them into her purse and walked towards Joie, and invited herself to sit down. Crossing her right leg over her left, Renae leaned her back against the plush sofa, examined her manicured nails for a second then glanced at her charm bracelet.

Joie watched her every move and prayed that Renae wasn't the type of woman to jump on tables to whoop people's asses. She had no fight in her but would use whatever in her defense, to escape the wrath of a menace.

"You knew who I was before the hospital incident, correct? You had something going on with my husband?"

Joie shifted her eyes to her closed door then back to Renae and just stared at her.

"I only came to ask a question... or three,"Renae placed her purse down and uncrossed her legs, and leaned forward.

"What might that be?" Joie rose a brow.

"How did you go from getting paid to help him to sucking dick?"

Joie's left brow rose and she slid her laptop to the side. Placing her hands on top of the table, she stared at Renae for a moment then smirked, "Unfortunately, I'm not liable to discuss private information like that with you."

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