Chapter 48.) January 11th

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It's been a week since Reign was released from the hospital but she's spent most of her time inside her room. Due to previous situations, King asked her not to lock or close the door unless she was going to bed. Although Reign hated it, she understood everyone just wanted to make sure that she wouldn't slip back into depression.

Everyone wasn't walking on pins and needles around Reign but they were careful of what they said and asked. It was obvious that she didn't or needed time to process things and to get back in the motion of stuff, so they left her alone unless they felt she needed something or wanted to talk.

It was a little after 11 in the morning and Ava was in the guidance office working on Chemistry homework. It felt weird for her to be back in school. She hated the wandering eyes and whispers but knew that she couldn't hide forever. She was ok with facing her fear even if that meant struggling with her severe anxiety and PTSD. Kingston had given her tips on how to manage and Renae showed her a breathing technique to do but baby girl was still having a hard time.

"You ok in here, Ava?" The guidance counselor asked, gathering her things for lunch.

"I'm alright, are you leaving?"

"Just taking my lunch, Ms. Hall is across the way if you need her, ok?"

Ava nodded.

When she left out, Ava went back to reading until her phone vibrated:
Sy: You ok?

Ava smiled before replying, I am, thank you!

When Assyria didn't respond, Ava focused on her work for the next ten minutes until Kaari and Kairo had texted her. After texting back and forth with them, Ava put her phone on vibrate and attempted to finish her work until the fire alarm went off.

Confused and scared out of her mind, Ava looked around the office with a racing heart and balled her fists. Taking slow breaths, she counted down from 10 and jumped when the door flew open. Her paranoia and PTSD led her to believe that she was reliving the shooting all over again, resulting in her having a panic attack.

"Oh my God," Kayla rushed over as Ava curled up on the floor covering her ears.

"Ava... it's me," Kayla took a step forward and attempted to touch her but Ava screamed her head off.

Scaring the hell out of Kayla and catching the attention of the other guidance counselors, they tried to get Ava's attention but the alarm was only triggering her trauma and making things worse.

"Somebody please get ahold of her parents... Ava?!" Ms. Hall exclaimed, trying to stop Ava from screaming but she could only hear and see the gun.

Feeling empathy for her best friend, Kayla sat on the floor close by as the adults went to get ahold of Kingston or Renae. . .

"What do you think they're saying?" Kayla asked a quiet and slightly embarrassed Ava. They were sitting outside of the principal office as King and Renae had a meeting with Ava's guidance counselor, Ms. Hall, and a couple of her teachers.

"That I'm crazy or should have stayed home," Ava mumbled then sighed. "I can't believe I had a freaking panic attack."

"You were shot... it's expected," Kayla reminded. "Plus, you came back to this place... I hate that I pressured you..."

"It's not your fault... I thought I was ready," Ava admitted.

"Now what chica?" Kayla queried, laying her head on Ava's arm.

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