Chapter 32.) Active Shooter

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It's was three weeks later and Reign was still in the hospital in a coma. Some nights Renae would sleepover just hoping that one day she would wake up with Reign staring at her. She still couldn't believe there has been no change in Reign's condition but she didn't lose faith. It took her a while and a lot of self-coaching, but she managed to stop crying whenever she sat with Reign.

Yae'Shawn has been by a few times with Renae and it made her happy. She understood why King was so upset but she also saw King in Yae'Shawn which was why she had no problems with him wanting to see Reign.

She was his fiance and truth be told, he had the right to see her way back when but out of respect, he chose to stay away until Renae reached out to him. His grandparents Fatima and Lamar have been by to visit as well. Renae wasn't aware of just how much they adored Reign until she sat around and listened to the many stories they had involving Reign.

Even Yae'Shawn's mom stopped by and of course, Renae felt some type of way and wanted to choke the life out of her but Yae'Shawn assured her that her and Reign's relationship was good. Off the strength of that, Renae allowed Mari to visit. Tamir and Daewon have been there to visit as well. Leah and Adonis weren't able to visit so they sent flowers and a gift basket that Renae happily placed around the room with the rest of the many gifts.

King had finally grown the courage to visit and Renae had witnessed him cry as if the life had been stripped from his body. Renae was so torn watching him fall apart and didn't know what to do besides comfort him but he only cried harder. He blamed himself for everything and just wanted to trade places with her. His heart couldn't take seeing his daughter in her condition.

She looked so sad. It was as if still being alive was too much for her and he felt it. She wanted to go but something was stopping her. King cried until he had no more tears left and even then, he continued on.

It was hard for Renae to watch but she remained strong. She had cried all that she could and felt that it was time for her to stop. She was tired of crying and beating herself up, but she didn't mind others crying in her presence. Weirdly, it soothed her aching heart. It made her feel that no matter what her and Reign's relationship was like, Reign was still loved by others.

So when Renae thought that she was alone, she felt at peace knowing that her daughter had such an impact on everyone's life.

It was November 2nd. The wind was cool, the sky was gray, and the trees were singing a tune that made the hairs on Ava's skin stand up. Today felt extra creepy to her and she wasn't sure why. Maybe it was the fact that Halloween was two days ago or maybe it was the fact that she spent all weekend watching scary movies with Zaire and Kairo.

She wasn't sure what it was, but damn it, she was scared.

"Ava!" Kayla tossed a raisin at her and Ava's head jerked.

"What tha' f- Whyyyy?!" Ava twisted her face up as if she had smelled something foul and Michelle and Kayla busted out laughing.

"What are you thinking about over there? How's your sister?" Kayla popped a few raisins in her mouth. They were having lunch outside today, courtesy of the three acing their AP practice exam.

"Nothing... she's fine," Ava glanced around the area momentarily before picking up her phone and clicked on her and King's message thread.

Michelle stared at her curiously then over at Kayla who just shrugged.

"How long has she been in the coma?" they asked.

"Month," Ava replied simply as her phone buzzed and she clicked on King's message.

Old Man: Everything's cool here, you ok?

Ava stared at the message for a moment then looked around again then exhaled.

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