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y/ns pov

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y/ns pov

i didn't want to go to school today but yams made me go since he had stayed over. i had no other choice BUT to go.

today was the last day then we'd be on christmas break for two weeks.
i drove yams and i to school. i even took him to the store to get breakfast just like i did with tob- i mean kageyama... it was a routine so it be weird if i didn't do it.

i prayed that kageyama wouldn't come up to me in the classes i had him in... which was all of them. ugh. i forgot. he even sat near me.

"hey yams... tell me why'd they move the whole volleyball club to my school?"

"oh i don't know. something about how they think itd be best if we were all together in the same campus so it can make transformation better when we have games."

i nodded

it was embarrassing that the whole team saw me get upset over kageyama and his new relationship and now they decide to move them to my school the next day? could this week get any worse?
i was in my first period and i now see that i have yams, tsukki and hinata in my class. i felt a little embarrassed as i walked through the aisle my seat was in. since they knew everything that had happened.

kageyama sits behind me in the class but he's not here yet.

2nd period he still wasn't here

3rd neither

it was finally fourth period and i see that kageyama finally decided to show up. he didn't try to talk to me. i hope it stays like that.

i use to sit with him and three other students  but i decided to move seats and sit with the other volleyball boys.
class was done and i was making my way out with hinata next to me and the others followed behind us. hinata talked about how he was going to spike the ball so hard. and how he would become the next tiny giant. volleyball reminds me so much about kageyama, it hurts. up to the point i might quit as the teams manager.

i didn't want to see him more than I have to.

"l/n can we talk?" a familiar voice said next to me.

"pathetic." tsukki said as he looked at kageyama and then walked away

"just leave her alone kageyama." hinata said

i look to my left side and see kageyama standing there with a gift in his hands.

i decided to hear what he had to say.

"im sorry for breaking our promise ok? i miss you and i just need you back in my life."

"are you still with her?"

he stayed silent which meant he still is.

"if you're still with her then you just wasted my time." i said yelling a bit and walked away.

yams pov

i watched as y/n raised her voice a bit at kageyama. don't get me wrong i love them both but seeing kageyamas face made my blood boil.

i saw her say her words and started walking away, i decided to follow her but kageyama stopped me.

"hey. i know now you're close with her so can you give her this?" he said as he held out a small gift that was wrapped in blue wrapping paper.

although he made me upset i decided to accept his request.

i ran with the gift in my hand as i tried to look for y/n. i looked everywhere and i couldn't find her. i decided to text her as i stood near a window. i sent her the text and heard a phone ding on the other side of the window. 

i looked over to the other side of the window and find y/n holding her knees to her chest. i decided to climb over and sit besides her. she wasn't crying but she looked broken.

"are you ok?"

"ill be fine yams." she said as she patted my head.

"i know you'll hate me but i brought the gift he was offering you." i said as i handed the gift to her. she hesitated for a bit to accept it but then she did.

"thanks." she starred at it for awhile and then she decided to open it.

"a necklace huh?" i asked her

"yeah." she said as she handed me the necklace. i noticed that she was wearing the one i gave her.

it made me happy.

i looked at the necklace that he gave her and saw their initials on there with one birthstone, it was the same color since they both shared the same month. just two days apart.



"i think i might quit as manager."

"what? DONT please."


"i know why, you don't have to tell me but please stay at least for me."

she began to cry. was i being to harsh?

"but i can't even look at him without seeing all the memories we had."

"im sorry. you don't have to-"

"although it hurts, im going to stay. just for you and for the others. even kiyoko hehe." she said as she smiled at me. it was already 2:00pm and this seemed to be the first smile of the day from her.

y/ns pov

so quitting wasn't an option at this point. i don't want to see kageyama but i love yams and i want to support him through everything. so I decided to stay. no matter what.
by the time i knew it the day was over. the boys didn't have practice today so i went straight home. it was one day without having kageyama with me and it hurt me.

some might think im overreacting but kageyama was my only friend i had at least for a while... he went through everything with me and he was always there. he stayed with me regardless of the rumors people made about me. he stayed unlike others. he never used me for anything. he made me happy when i was going through a lot so yes it hurts a lot. i do have the rest of the team but it's not the same. it hurts when the person you thought would never turn on you eventually turn on you.

it hurt to the point i couldn't eat.

i had to move on and try my best. it was going to be hard at least for now since tomorrow is his birthday but at least i have two weeks to recover.

a/n: look at yams being there for you, cute.

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