winter promise

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it's finally december and it's been 5 months since ive met tobio

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it's finally december and it's been 5 months since ive met tobio. we've been best friends ever since. nothing came in between us and i hope nothing will. ever since we've joined the volleyball club we've gotten more closer. he's always talking about his position and i loved seeing how excited he gets. i couldnt help but smile at him... this is weird

"y/n it's our birthday month. we're going to be seventeen."

"i know. you've been saying that since we got to school tobio."

we were in our lunch period already and all day tobio has been talking about our birthdays that are soon to be celebrated.

"im two days older though." he said with a stupid smirk

"yeah but you still don't act like it." i fought back.

"shut up."

i laughed at how mad he got

"hey y/n." a familiar voice came from behind me as i turn around i see my cousin kayla

"hey kayla." i said with a bit of disappointment

"who's your friend?" she asked

"oh this is kageyama."

tobio waved at her and she waved back

"ive seen him around but ive been shy to talk to him." she said as she pointed both her index fingers and her feet together.

i cringed at what she was doing

but her. shy?

i sighed and rolled my eyes at the way she was acting but WHATS NEW?

"oh." i responded

she made her way to him and sat next to him.

"im kayla. im y/ns cousin. you can text me if you want." and with that she left. i looked at tobio and he looked out of it.

"a girl talked to me." he said

"then what am i?"

"my best friend."

"tobio promise me to not to talk to her. ever."

"huh? but-"

i looked at him and he must've seen how desperate i was for him to not talk to her.

"fine. i won't talk to her. i promise you."

"thank you."

lunch was over and by the time i knew it, school was over. tobio and i had this routine of going to the convenient store to get milk and some snacks after school.

we were getting milk which is tobios favorite and he was always so excited but he didn't seem that excited to be getting milk right now.

"are you okay tobes?"

"huh? no im fine."

i knew he wasn't. was it because i blocked him out from getting the chance to getting his first girlfriend?

"was it because of what i said earlier?"

"no. im fine." he said with a slight of anger in his tone as he walked away from me.

ok it's definitely because of that, it's not because i don't want him leaving me. he can get a girlfriend, i dont care. but the first girl he gets cant be my cousin. the girl known for breaking hearts. the girl known for cheating. she just uses guys so she wont be lonely and once she finds someone else she leaves the other. i love tobio so i had to make sure he had a good girl as his FIRST girlfriend. not only that but she was one of many people at my school who made rumors about me. yes even family can turn against you.

"tobio can i at least explain why i wont let you talk to her?" i told him as i tried to catch up with him

"y/n its fine. just leave it!"

we left the store and i drove tobio home.

he didn't even say good bye when he got off

i always go home being happy but today was not one of those days.

I felt myself wanting to cry and drown into my sadness but i couldn't allow it to take over me.

i hope we can go back to normal tomorrow.
i was outside waiting for tobio so we can go to school but he never came out. maybe he got sick? i don't know what it was but i went to knock on the door to find out he already went to school.

it was first period and tobio wasn't here yet. after 4 minutes he finally came in. i didn't think he'd talk to me but he did.

"hey y/n." he said as he took his seat behind me, "sorry for getting upset yesterday."

"it's ok, it's my fault."

"no, im pretty sure you have a reason so im sorry." he smiled

i nodded and put my attention to the front of the class.

im glad everything was fine now and for some reason i felt something in my stomach when he smiled.

i can't be falling for tobio.

am i?

a/n: next chapter will have drama :0 so be prepared also sorry this was a short chapter. this was actually how my cousin was to me :') but it's ok

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