help me

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a week later after kageyama and i had our argument i found out he didn't go to school for a couple of days

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a week later after kageyama and i had our argument i found out he didn't go to school for a couple of days. as for me i ended up going to the hospital.

two days after i fought with him i collapsed on and got sent straight to the hospital, ive been here ever since. they haven't figured out what's wrong with me and what caused me to collapse.

maybe all the stress from all that's happening

it's too much for me

tadashi has been visiting me here and there but today he wasn't here because he had a game to attend.
"good morning miss l/n."

"good morning doc."

"so we have some things to share with you."

i nodded so they can continue

"well we're doing some testing right now so you can leave and once we know we'll just call you. so this means you can go home for now."

"really? thank you!"
i was on my way to school with tadashi in the passenger seat. he was so excited because they had won their game. he told me that he played pinch server and he scored 5 points. he looked so happy and that made me happy. i was finally getting over kageyama. i started eating more. i was happier and it was all thanks to tadashi. i just wished i was able to watch him play and watch his awesome serves but I had to "worry about my health first" is what coach ukai told me.
in the halls i would notice kageyama but the pain wasn't there anymore. now it was the other way around. i love him, i really do but this had to be the best for the both of us.

as for kayla she has another boyfriend now.

good for her right?
i was on my way home with tadashi again riding in the passenger seat. he wanted to have a little party since he won his game.

silly freckled kid.

i agreed to it because i was proud of him.

tadashi and i were jamming out in the car as we were eating a banana spilt, when i got a call from my phone.

it was my mom. i told tadashi to answer it.

she told us to rush to the hospital NOW.

once we arrived they took me to a room where my parents were already waiting in and tadashi followed behind me.

"miss l/n please take a seat." the doctor ordered me

oh this is about me

i sat down to hear what he had to say.

"we have something to share with you."

"what is it?"

"the results are back and... we're sorry to say but...

"you have cancer."

the world seemed to stop

my body couldn't move

i couldn't speak

"due to not enough nutrient going into your body, your body reacted and caused cancer to build up."

i didn't know what to say so i stayed quiet.

"we're very sorry miss l/n."

and with that he left.

my mom started crying and my dad held her in his arms.

my sister wasn't even here so i don't know how we'll break the news to her and tadashi brought me into a hug as he held back his whimpers but his tears poured onto my shirt and it didn't stop.

my world was just getting fixed and now it's ruined once again.

when will it end?


help me

a/n: i actually searched up and it says you can get cancer by not getting nutrients in your body so please eat and take care of yourself :)

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