birthday party

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it's been two weeks since kageyama and i made up and my feelings for tobio started to increase

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it's been two weeks since kageyama and i made up and my feelings for tobio started to increase. the way he talks about volleyball and how his eyes sparkled as he did, it makes me feel some way but for some reason he and i haven't been hanging out that much.

did he notice that i have feelings for him?

right now we're on our way to the gym for volleyball practice. i was glad i decided to become manager because now the whole team are my friends. they're always there for me no matter what and it means a lot to me. they're like my older brothers and kiyoko like my older sister.

tobios birthday is in two days and mines in four. being honest im more excited for his than mine.

"hey y/n i need to tell you something important."

so he does know about my feelings. no.

"well tell me now." i said with a hint of nervousness

he was about to speak but we finally arrived inside the gym just to find out that the lights were off.

power outage?

once we walked in the lights turned on and the volleyball team stood there with a table filled with gifts and a cake that said "happy birthday kageyama and l/n."

this was something big for me because my parents never cared for me on my birthday since they work which is why i was some what emotional

"happy birthday l/n and kageyama." suga yelled.

"happy birthday to our second beautiful manager." tanaka and noya said as they ran to me and put me in a group hug between them causing us to fall to the grown.

"come on let's sing happy birthday." yams said as he helped me off the floor

"shut up yamaguchi."

"stop being mean to yams." i told tsukki
we all got around the cake as they sang happy birthday to tobio and i. after we ate, it was time for presents.

"open mine y/n." yams told me

"no open ours." tanaka and nishinoya argued as they growled at yamaguchi.

to be honest im scared what's waiting in the box from the two of them.

i was opening my gift from yams and got a peek of what he got me until i was interrupted as i heard the door of the gym open.

"kageyama your girlfriend is here." tanaka said as my cousin kayla came out from the other side of the door.


i looked at tobio who looked at me for a few seconds and then looked away as guilt came to his face.

"girlfriend, tobio?" i asked him with a serious tone

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