two days apart

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december 22

today was his birthday and i couldn't bring myself to wish him a happy birthday.

i believed that if I did wish him, then i would be steps away from my goal of moving on from and without him.

it was a bit hard though seeing everyone post a picture of him online to wish him a happy birthday but i knew I could do this.
december 24

today was my birthday which never seemed like a big thing to me or anyone around me. every year on christmas eve my family decide to have a dinner to celebrate christmas (us mexicans celebrate on eve) with that being said i had to see my tias, tio, grandparents and cousins.

it was 5:00p.m. so i decided to start getting ready for the dinner. i put my shirt and my pants on and notice how loose they've become. i haven't eaten in 3 days and it's showing.

a lot.

i know i said id get over it but i can't.
my family and i arrived to the dinner at my grandmas house and see all my family.

i decided to find a seat in the living room so i can sit.

as i was making my way, the top of someone's head looked familiar.

i walked closer and closer to see and find....

kageyama tobio



i couldn't be here anymore.

i had to run but my feet wouldn't move.

i wanted to get out of here but my body wouldn't let me.

"y/n happy birthday." my tia said behind me as she got me out of my thoughts.

"ah thank you tia."

"and who's this handsome man?" my tia said pointing at kageyama.

"he's my boyfriend." kayla said as she held his hand.

i looked at kageyama and we made eye contact.

his eyes saying i miss you but i love her.

i miss him too


things have to stay this way even if it hurts me

my mom noticed me. she knew everything that happened between us.

she loved him but now she dislikes him too.

she looked at him and he looked away with guilt.

"do you want to go home?" she said as she held me in her arms.

i nodded and she gave me permission to leave.

i finally was able to move and i made my way outside to get some air.

i couldn't hold it anymore. i broke down.

the person i was in love with is gone.

my best friend was gone.

and there's nothing i can do with someone like her in my way.

no matter how hard i try, she has a way of wining them over.

and just like that my birthday was ruined.
it was a week that passed by and i still wasn't over him.

instead it was getting worse.

it sucks seeing him enjoying himself while im slowly dying.
it was now New Years and i stayed home while the others had fun.

even if i wanted to go my body didn't allow me to.

i wished for a new fresh start but there was no chance in that happening.
after two weeks we were finally back at school. it was the hardest two weeks of my life but i know that was just the beginning.

right now we were at volleyball practice.

i told yamaguchi that id stay so... i did.

"hey y/n." tanaka and noya said as they ran towards me.

this time they didn't tackle me with a hug

"hey guys."

"are you ok? you're not looking so health there." tanaka said with a worried look

"oh no im fine. thank you guys for worrying though." i said with a smile as i walked away and find kageyama starring right at me.

kageyamas pov

i finally got to hear her voice for a bit as she spoke to our two upperclassman. i missed her voice. what's happening to her? is she ok? why does she look so pale? more skinny than before? was this because of me? i need to talk to her.

"hey y-"

"y/n come on let's go." yamaguchi said as he interrupted me.

"oh yeah hold on let me put this stuff in the closet." she replied

maybe i can talk to her there.

she was walking to the closet and i walked behind her. once she walked in...


she kept her back towards me without saying anything. she finally turned around and i saw her face. she was pale, her cheekbones popping unlike before. even like that she was still beautiful. she slowly walked towards me without saying a single word. she stood across from me with her head down.

i noticed she was wearing a necklace but not the one from me.

she finally looked up and didn't say anything and with that she walked away.

i really messed up huh? but i wasn't going to give up.
one month passed and she still hadn't talked to me.

2 months.

3 months.

nothing from her.

i missed her. maybe i was in love with her before everything happened but i was too stupid to realize.

maybe i still am in love with her but i know she wouldn't fall for someone like me which is why i can't let go of kayla but maybe i will...

a/n: heyy guyssss a lot happened huh? yeah. sorry about that and sorry for keeping it short <33 thank you for reading, let's see what else happens :3

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