date night

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kageyamas pov

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kageyamas pov

today was my date with y/n. not only that but it's NOW been one year since ive met her.

since we met a year ago today i thought it'd be the best day to ask her to be my girlfriend.

i asked yamaguchi and akemi where would be a good place to take her for dinner since they've been on many dates.

the gave me a fancy restaurant near the beach.
before i got ready for my date i decided to get y/n some of her favorite flowers. i even got her a ring as well.

i wanted to give her something she won't forget.

like a promise?

i don't know how this whole thing works

i just know that im nervous to ask her out

i was overthinking as well

im sure she'll reject me because of everything that happened

but then again she said to forget all of that

i don't know what im thinking
it was now 6:25p.m. and i decided to get ready for my date with y/n.

she texted me saying she was excited and couldn't wait

i wore a black turtle neck and black slacks.

i even parted my hair down the middle since she liked it
i got all the stuff i got her and made my way to the restaurant near the beach.

once i got there i felt so anxious

i even ended up texting yamaguchi to calm me down
minutes passed

hours passed

the restaurant was almost closing

she never showed up

never thought she'd be one to turn me down

yamaguchis pov

akemi and i decided to "spy" on y/n and kageyama and their date.

we've been in the restaurant for a couple minutes and we see kageyama walk in with some flowers and a black small box.

he looked good

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