don't leave me

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kageyamas pov

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kageyamas pov

* RING *

* RING *

* RING *

* RING *

* RING *

i slowly opened my eyes and then sat up to reach my phone to check who was calling me and the time that it was. the contact name read


and the time read

"4:15 a.m."

why's he calling me so late?


"KAGEYAMA ITS ABOUT Y/N HEAD TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!" akemi yelled into the phone.

i hanged up and got up to quickly put my shirt on and ran out the door. i didn't even bother putting my shoes on so i was running in my socks.

i hope she's ok.

what can happen?

please be ok y/n.

i need you here.


i didn't even notice that tears were streaming down my face. i just got her back. i can't lose her now.

please y/n. be strong.
before i knew it i arrived. i made my way to her room and i saw yamaguchi, akemi and the rest of the volleyball team standing outside.

each of them having a worried face. some of them were even crying.

"how is she?" i asked as my voice cracked

"we don't know." hinata replied

"they haven't told us anything." nishinoya said

i walked up to the door and took a peek inside. the nurses surrounded her but i could see her hand holding onto the side of the bed.

a minute didn't even pass yet and i saw her arm fall to the side of the bed as if she lost her strength.

i reacted so then everyone began to question me but i couldn't hear them.

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