dance with me 2?

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your pov

a/n: play the song at the top if you want. it's better experience :)

i was dancing with ryu, noya and sho and i saw kageyama was a bit disappointed so i invited him

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i was dancing with ryu, noya and sho and i saw kageyama was a bit disappointed so i invited him. since i was there i decided to invite everyone as well. we were all dancing i was dancing with everyone. switching from daichi to suga. to noya to tanaka. to ennoshita to even kiyoko. and so on. i finally ended up with kageyama and he wasn't even dancing.

imitadora was playing.

bachata was my thing.

hey. who are you?

the song played.

"oh come on. it's a dance. so dance." i said trying to yell over the loud music.

"I-I... i don't know how." he pouted

"just go with the flow kageyama. here I'll help you." i said leading one of his hands to my hip and the other one in the air as it held on my hand.

i placed my other hand on his bicep.

"ok, now you just move one, two and move your hip up and then one two, hip." i said moving right and left.

¿Quién es esta extraña que se ha apoderado de tu ser?

¿Dónde está la amante loca que me erizaba la piel?

Porque ya tú no me tocas como lo hacía esa mujer

algo no anda bien

both of us moving with the beat.

he was slow at first and then suddenly started taking control.

he looked at me with a cocky smile.

he knows what he's doing.

how did he get it so quick?

the eye contact was so intense.

neither of us decided to break the eye contact.

he slowly pushed me closer to him.

i felt his hot breath hit my face.

the way his blue eyes popped out.

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