dance with me?

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today was finally the school dance which we call it "gala".

both schools were having the dance together.

(idk if you remember but there's two different schools lol)

i was with akemi right now so we can get ready. she was so excited. i love her, shes my first female friend ive ever had a close friendship with.

kiyoko was my first female friend but we never really hanged out, outside of volleyball.

akemi never made fun of me in a mean way and one who never made rumors about me.

she sat in front of me and she was talking and talking, on and on about the dance but my thoughts came to kageyama.

i still couldnt believe he asked me to go with him.

kageyamas pov

i was with akemi and yamaguchi at the store to buy some posters, some flowers and snacks so i could ask y/n to ga- whatever they call it. 

i was really nervous and im still not even standing in front of her. im scared she might reject me. or she might just say yes so i won't feel bad.

"how bout these?" akemi said pointing at the red roses.

"mm... i was kind of looking for some peonys. since they're her favorite."

"i found them." yamaguchi said as he held the  pink peony flowers in his hand.

i smiled at him as he put the flowers in front of him so i can take them. i took them and smiled more as they reminded me more of her.

we got all the stuff we needed and we made our way to yamaguchis house.

once we were done we went to the hospital
all three of us were waiting outside for y/n in the parking lot which was in the corner of the hospital.

akemi was holding the poster that read "y/n will you..."

yamaguchi was holding the "go to..."

i was holding "gala with me?" along with the goodie bag and the flowers

i wanted them both to be included since we all build a strong relationship and i felt as if it would've been more special not to me but to y/n as well.

two minutes passed and i was getting more and more anxious.

we then heard the doors of the hospital open and heard footsteps approaching. there stood y/n as she started to read what was writing on the white posters.

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