the gift

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kageyamas pov

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kageyamas pov

once i got home from the party they made for y/n and i, i sent y/n plenty of messages and called her several times. but she didn't answer back.

i sat on the edge of my bed with so many thoughts in my mind. i shouldnt have broken our promise. now she hates me. she doesn't even want to be best friends anymore but she said it was going to be a destroyed either way. i wonder what she meant by that? what's wrong with me dating her cousin? if only i had let her explain that time we went to the convenient store but than again i told her not to.


i love y/n, she's my best friend and all but my heart wants to be with kayla. she has be glued to her for some reason and i just can't let go.
i was about to go to bed but y/ns gift caught my eyes. she wrapped it semi good and semi ugly. ugh even the wrapping describes the type of person she is.

"to tobio <3"

"from y/n :)"

i opened my gift and saw a pair of new volleyball shoes. i always talked about these shoes and every time we went to the mall i showed them to her. i stared at them for a bit and began to feel guilty.

i then saw a letter from her.

"dear tobio,
thank you for always being here for me no matter what. i appreciate it. you are my best friend and i hope to never lose you. you've always been by my side and it would suck if i were to ever lose you. people made fun of me, pretended to be my friend and made rumors about me but you didn't. i know you've heard about them but you still decided to stick with me huh? i love you so much and im sorry if i was ever an asshole to you! i still hate you tho. i know it's not much but i got the shoes you've always talked about. i hope you love them.

so... um- about the whole kayla situation... i don't care if you date her but then i do. the reason why i care is because i use to have two guy best friends before you. that was in middle school and the beginning of our first year. the only difference is that they didn't get to meet my parents. even then they were always there for me until they got into a relationship with her. they both choose her over me. i don't know what it is but she can weigh you down and make you do whatever she wants. she made them stop being around me and they choose her side and i was alone ever since. she was the first person who made rumors about me and that ruined everything for me. which is why i didn't want you to end up her and i hope you never do. i just want the best for our friendship and the best for you. and maybe i was also a little upset when you let her call you tobio after knowing her for 2 days when it took you a while to allow me to call you by your first name,"
~ FLASHBACK ~ (y/n pov)
it's been two days since tobio and kayla have became friends. he said he was just being nice so i was ok with it because i was the same way.
we were in lunch, it was always me and tobio but today it was us two and... kayla

"you can call me tobio." i heard tobio say

already the first name huh? it's barley been two days.

"ok tobio it is." kayla said as she made an over dramatic giggle

"i just hope you understand where im coming from. well thank you! and happy birthday tobes <33

love, your best friend :)

p.s. stop calling me stupid or I'll jump you :)"

i didn't even notice the tears coming down my cheeks. she did that for our friendship and i ruined it. i was the only one there and now she's alone again.

and that's what she meant about "it would be destroyed anyways."


i want y/n but i also want kayla.

i will apologize to y/n tomorrow and get her back into my life.

before i knew it i had cried myself to sleep with all these thoughts in my head.

a/n: it's short again, sorry but tobio is literally stupid :')

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