meeting our parents

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kageyamas pov

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kageyamas pov

im not ready for y/n to meet my parents. what if my parents say something embarrassing? what if i embarrass myself? she's the first person to meet my parents. i had to dress up nicely but what if she makes fun of me...?

*ding dong*

AHH SHES HERE, I panicked as i made my way to the door and as my parents fixed the table and their clothes and then made their way behind me.

i then opened the door...

"y/n. hey."

i didn't know what to say when she was dressed up like this. ive never seen her dressed up THIS nicely. she was actually dressed like a girl hehe but being her she still wore sneaker with the dress/skirt. that's my best friend, y/n for you

"hey tobio."

y/n pov

my mom made me wear a dress/skirt i hate dressing up and she knows that but something about making a "good first impression." i agreed with her but i didn't allow her to push it this far so I ended up wearing my sneakers.

"hi miss l/n, please come in." kageyamas mom said welcoming me into her home.

"thank you!"

"please take a seat and then we can eat."

tobio looked so much like his mom. there was another girl there who i assumed was his sister because he looked just like her.

i made my way to my seat slowly because my legs felt like jello.

ive never met someone's family before. not only that but im beyond my comfort zone right now with this outfit.
"so l/n how did you meet my son?" asked kageyamas father.

"well i was on my way to the office and he looked new so i welcomed him to the school and ever since we've been friends."

"that's sweet of you. she's really pretty tobio, i would hold on to her. maybe one day you guys will be more than friends. " his mom said.

i stiffed as well as tobio who was sitting next to me.

"mom look at him. he's embarrassed." his sister laughed


ugh just his mom saying this makes me wonder what my dad will say tomorrow. i wanted all of us to be here right now but my parents work so i had to schedule tobio to meet my parents tomorrow.
"thank you for coming miss l/n. please feel free to visit anytime. any friends of our son is welcomed. thank you for taking care of him." kageyama mom said as she reached for a hug

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