i want you back

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y/ns pov

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y/ns pov

it's now april meaning it's been three months since ive talked to kageyama. he's tried but i wasn't giving in.

i haven't been doing so great myself. i still wasn't eating, i was still down on myself.

he was still in a relationship with my cousin but at least one of us is happy, right?
tadashi didn't come to school today so i was kind of on my own. even though hinata and tsukki were in my class, it felt lonely without tadasahi.

i was in my 4th period class and it was soon to be over but i really needed to go to the bathroom.

"sir may i go to the restroom?" i said as i raised my hand.

he gave me permission to go. i was in the bathroom for 4 minutes and the bell rang for lunch. i tried to rush and make my way back to class so i can get my stuff.

as im running back up stairs to my classroom nobody's in the halls, all of them being in lunch already. but then i noticed kageyama outside with my stuff in his hands.

i stoped running and paused for a bit. i then slowly started to walk towards him. once he noticed my presence he looked up.

once i reached him i took my things from his hands and started to walk away and make my way to the stairs

i couldn't even say thank you


i ignored him and continued walking downstairs.

"Y/N... I MEAN L/N WAIT. PLEASE. JUST WAIT PLEASE." his voice echoed in the lonely hallway as he was standing mid way on the stairs.

i don't know why but my feet stopped moving before exiting the doors

"y/-... l/n. please. im sorry ok. please forgive me. i miss you so much. i want you back. i broke up with kayla ok? isn't that what you wanted? i did it ok? please y/-... l/n come back please. i love you! more than a friend too." he said as his voice cracked a few times.

i turned around and see his eyes filled with tears too

"i forgive you kageyama." i slightly smiled at him


"yes. i did since the beginning...



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but we can't go back to the way we were."

"what- why? i broke up with her."

"yeah that's the thing. IT TOOK YOU FOUR MONTHS TO NOTICE THAT YOU NEEDED ME AND HOW MUCH YOU WANT ME BACK NOW. i was always there for you but you choose someone who knew nothing but your name. but- i don't need you anymore. i love you kageyama, i really do. maybe even more than what we use to have. i loved you. but we can't go back. it's too late now. im sorry." i said as tears ran down my cheeks and my voice cracked.

"y/-... l/n. please. i don't know what it is that she had me wrapped around her finger and i couldn't let go. trust me i love YOU." he had tears streaming down his face at this point

"that was your decision to make. not mine. good bye kageyama."

with that i left him alone in the halls.

a/n: i didn't cry writing this. nope. but i hope you noticed that he's use to calling you by your first name but since everything happened he knew he couldn't call you by your first name anymore. i hope you didn't cry... maybe i hope you did :) jk love you guys and know you're worth a lot

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