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"So why did y'all come together?" Asking curiously as she glanced between Xueer and Yuyan, Jiaqi continued resting her head on her shoulders. The two friends smiled and exchanged a cheeky look. Slinging her arm around Jiaqi's waist, Yuyan then grinned widely, "We're going to have a double date."

So there the four were, seated down in a 4 star restaurant with the atmosphere so awkward that Jiaqi was begun to rethink her agreement. Just then, her eyes met with Shuxin's. The two bit their lips and looked down on the table, trying their best not to burst out laughing.

Funny how the two have been working at the same café without greeting each other till today. Though she had just met Shuxin, Jiaqi found her extremely cute and lively unlike the past her, completely dull and introverted. Unexpectedly, the two chatted the whole way to the restaurant while their lovers talked away.

"So uh....nice weather huh?" Clearing her throat, Xueer started hesitantly and that was all it took for the other three to burst out into laughter.

"You do realise that we are no where seated near a window?" Teasing the blushing girl, Shuxin poked her cheeks which Xueer just pouted at. Yuyan and Jiaqi fake gagged at their cute moment before making fun of each other at how synchronised their reactions were. Feeling her hands creep over hers, Jiaqi only smiled at Yuyan and laced their fingers together, holding hands under the table.

"I was just trying to-" Placing her hand over Xueer's mouth, Shuxin then looked at Yuyan, "So what gave y'all the idea of a double date?" The redheaded slouched in her seat and faked disappointment which Shuxin saw through so she just sneaked her hand on her thigh and rubbed apologetically. Xueer just glanced at Shuxin before a little smile appeared on her face.

"Well, we just figured it would be fun and different." Forming an 'O' with her mouth, Shuxin then nodded before turning her attention to Jiaqi who was just listening to the conversations. "I'm curious, so how did the two of you meet?"

Without hesitations, both answered at the exact same time, "We met in a club." Her eyes widened as she looked on curiously, "Jiaqi, you went to a club?" The short haired girl sighed as memories came into her mind, "Well I was forced to by my two friends and met this muddle head in the club's toilet who was eating another girl's face out. Crazy right?" Somehow jealousy and anger laced her voice at the eating part.

Yuyan's face turned red with embarrassment with Xueer holding in her laughter while the brunette excitedly listened to Jiaqi ramble on about their first interaction. She could still remember so evidently how Yuyan's alcohol stained breath brushed against her cold cheeks as the noisy music faded into the background.

Once Jiaqi begun talking about how Xueer had to look for Yuyan like she had lost a toddler, the girl's grip on her hands tightened as she changed the subject, "Alright that's enough, let's talk about how the two of you first met." Jiaqi just smiled innocently at Yuyan who huffed a sulky breath.

"Well, it was extremely cliché. We bumped into each other in the hallways and Xueer just asked for my name and class." The redhead's two friends looked at her with a teasing smile plastered on their faces as they asked Shuxin to continue. The expression on Xueer's face seemed as if she had given up a long time ago on stopping Shuxin.

"She then visited me everyday during break time and sooner or later we got each other's contact and here we are." Before Jiaqi and Yuyan could speak, the two beat them to it.

"But we aren't dating yet." That definitely took the couple by surprise.

"I mean it would be too early to date right? We're just exploring? I guess." Xueer glanced at Shuxin who nodded in agreement. The two then exchanged grins as their eyes met. That made Jiaqi and Yuyan glance and whisper to each other, "They already seem like a married couple but without rings." The short haired girl giggled and hummed in agreement.

Not long later, their food arrived. That caused the conversation to stop for awhile before the four started chatting away again. "I just noticed y'all have matching necklaces! How cute is that?" As if she was emphasising cute to a certain someone, Shuxin then grinned innocently at Xueer who had a suspicious look directed at her.

Smiling shyly, Jiaqi felt Yuyan's cold fingers graze against her collarbones as she tried to show Shuxin the designs of the butterfly. She couldn't help but shudder slightly under the ice cold touch of her lover's. Noticing how Jiaqi had her breath held in, Yuyan hid her smirk and suddenly had the urge to tease her.

As she trailed her hands up and down her thigh, Jiaqi's back straightened. She then glared at Yuyan who ignored her look and continued talking to Shuxin and Xueer. As her fingers begun trailing up her inner thigh, Jiaqi's breath hitched.

"Are you alright, Jiaqi? You seem a bit red." Xueer asked worriedly with Shuxin leaning towards her and placing a hand on her forehead. "And you're burning hot." Laughing nervously, Jiaqi shook her head and cleared her throat, "It's just hot. I mean it's almost summer." The other two girls still looked suspicious and concerned but they gave up when Jiaqi denied. Yuyan on the other hand was on the verge of laughing.

Not having any of Yuyan's teasing, Jiaqi heaved a sigh of relief before she slid her hand across her waist and pinched her sides. That made Yuyan retreat her hand and pout at the girl.

Rolling her eyes playfully, Jiaqi tried to make herself look normal in front of the two again and questioned, "Where are we going after this?" Curious, Shuxin listened too while Xueer smiled knowingly. She and Yuyan had planned it perfectly this morning while their partners were working.

"The cinemas."


Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope y'all enjoy your Christmas and eat well hehe :) Also thank you so much for the support for this book! I appreciate it so much and I can't wait to write more if I have time. Reminder, stream Dumb Dumb Bomb and every The9 members' solo!! I especially love sKIn (hehe KIki) and 蔷薇之巅 and Call me by my name :))))

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