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"Morning princess." A husky and deep voice sounded as her breath fanned against her ears. Slightly flinching, a small smile still made its way up Jiaqi's face. Yuyan had her arms wrapped around her bare waist with her legs on top of the latter.

"Good morning Yuyan." Her voice was laced with honey as she tried pushing her legs and arms off her frame. However, the taller didn't want to let go just yet. Her grip around her waist tightened as her shirt rode up even higher.

With her face flushed red, Jiaqi lightly smacked her arm, "Yuyan if you don't let go, we're going to be late for school." She only groaned in protest and burrowed her face deeper against her nape. The intoxicating scent of lavender and vanilla entering her nostrils.

Jiaqi bit her lip as she felt her soft chapped lips brushing against the sensitive spot of her nape. In a louder stern voice, she spoke up, "Yuyan..."

Whining, the younger reluctantly let go of her before placing her hand over her eyes to shield them from the sudden light. After taking turns to wash up and change, the two then joined Daimeng and Sunrui who were already finished.

"What's taking y'all so long hmm?" In a teasing voice, Daimeng wiggled her eyebrows at Jiaqi in which the latter just ignored. Sunrui then joined the teasing with Yuyan smirking and Jiaqi groaning in embarrassment and annoyance.

"Nothing happened ok? We just overslept, right Yuyan?" Side eyeing the taller for backup as the other two were not thinking about giving up, Jiaqi nudged her.

"She's saying the truth." In a matter-of-fact tone, Yuyan nodded her head as she refrained herself from laughing at Jiaqi's relieved expression. The other two looked at them suspiciously before whispering to each other and bursting out into laughter.

Finally reached school, Yuyan wrapped her arm around Jiaqi's waist protectively as they walked down the hallways together. In a blink of an eye, school ended with Yuyan waiting for Jiaqi by the classroom's door again.

It was like deja vu. The orange streaks of the setting sun filling the class as Yuyan stared at her, waiting for Jiaqi to finish packing. Both tried not to feel awkward especially when this was the exact same scene they shared a passionate kiss in.

Clearing her throat, Jiaqi gazed into Yuyan's fiery eyes, "You can go ahead first Yuyan. I have something I must attend to." The taller narrowed her eyes as she crossed her arms, scoffing, "What's that something you have to do?"

The short haired girl calmly replied as she swung her bag over her shoulders, "I promised to tutor Xueer."

As her tongue poked against her cheeks, Yuyan then bit her lip as if refraining herself to say something, "What time will you be back then?" Silence filled the place as Jiaqi smiled reassuringly, "Around 9 or so? If I'm late I'll give you a call."

Nodding her head, Yuyan stepped towards her before pulling the girl into her embrace, "You better. Don't make me worried." Though shocked at first, Jiaqi soon overcame it and wrapped her arms around Yuyan's waist, returning the hug.

On her way to the rooftop, a familiar redhead strolled in front of her with her earphones plugged in. Not noticing Jiaqi, Xueer continued walking as she hummed the song that was playing. A cheeky smile appeared on her face before Jiaqi sneaked up on the girl.

Tapping on her left shoulder, Jiaqi hurriedly switched to the right side before Xueer could turn her head. As she looked to the right, their eyes made contact with Xueer's eyes widening and Jiaqi holding in her laughter.

"You almost gave me a heart attack Xu Jiaqi." Removing her earphones as her other hand clutched her chest, Xueer playfully glared. The short haired girl cracked into a grin while tilting her head adorably, "My fault, Ms Kong Xueer."

Heading to the library together, the two went on about their day. Jiaqi had thought that it would be awkward at first but surprisingly, it was going better than expected.

"Alright then, should we get started?" Jiaqi smiled as she flipped the through the contents. Nodding her head, the redheaded then rested her head against her hand as she listened attentively to Jiaqi.

Sometimes, the girl would also steal some glances at Jiaqi's ethereal side profile. Like what Xueer had thought, she wasn't a distraction, rather, she was considered as a motivation for her.

Time passed like sand in wind, not long after, it was already 9. Jiaqi had planned to end earlier but seeing how serious and determined Xueer was, she extended the timing. Yawning, Xueer packed her stuff while Jiaqi held back a smile at how cute she seemed.

"Thank you so much Master Xu, I owe you one. This past 3 hours should be enough for me to pass Biology." Pulling Jiaqi into a hug, Xueer then continued, "Like really, no words can describe how thankful I am right now."

Chuckling at her words, Jiaqi briefly patted her back, "No worries. Just make sure to pass this exam alright?" Retreating from the hug, Xueer nodded her head while her doll like eyes stared into Jiaqi's fox like ones, "What can I do to make it up to you?"

Grinning, the short haired girl replied, "You don't have to, Xueer. It's only normal for me to help out. What are friends for, am I right?"

Xueer huffed a breath as she pouted while shaking her head, "I don't wanna feel indebted, Jiaqi. C'mon, just say anything you want." Clicking her tongue, Jiaqi pretended to think before flashing a teasing smile, "Well in that case...a simple lunch would do."

Leaning in as her floral strawberry scent invaded Jiaqi's nostrils, Xueer's hand then slid down from her back to her waist and into her back pocket, fishing out the latter's phone. That action made Jiaqi's eyes widened and her jaw slightly dropped.

"Then it's settled. However, I'll need your number for that, Mam." A smirk grew on the redhead's face while the short haired girl collected herself together. After switching numbers, the two then made their way out of the library.

"Well I guess I'll get going now. Goodnight Xueer." Before she could go, Xueer grabbed her wrists and tugged her towards herself, her eyes twinkling under the moonlight. "Let me accompany you. It's dangerous to go alone at this timing."

Gazing into her sincere glazed eyes, Jiaqi blushed a light shade of red, "It's alright Xueer. My dorm is nearby, nothing could happen." The redheaded narrowed her eyes before biting on her lips adorably.

"Still, it's not safe to go alone. My dorm is much nearer than yours so it's safer for me."

The short haired girl considered whether she should listen to Xueer or refuse, after all she didn't want to disturb the redhead beauty. As the sounds of crickets filled the area, Xueer slowly leaned forward with her hands reaching up to Jiaqi's face.

Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ears, she waited for Jiaqi's reply, surprising the latter once again. Before any of the two could speak, a distant voice came, interrupting Jiaqi's reply.


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