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"What do you think? Pretty impressive eh?" Yuyan grinned as she nudged the girl in her ribs. Everything was so serene and magical like that Jiaqi had thought she was in a dream for a second. As the artificial waterfall splashed into the pond, a stream of orange light entered the fairy like garden. Butterflies were fluttering around as the two admired the emerald green trees, luscious flowers and the crystal clear streaming water.

With her jaw hung low, Jiaqi turned back to Yuyan and stuttered, "How did you find this place?" The taller wriggled her eyebrows as she laughed, "Google." The shorter girl huffed a deep breath and continued taking in the view in front of her.

"It's so beautiful..."

Yuyan's warm gaze lingered on Jiaqi's side profile before glancing away and agreeing with the girl, "Yea...beautiful." A smile slowly grew on her face as she turned away from her.

She knew that Jiaqi loves nature since she noticed her staring out the window taking in the view of their school's garden. There would always be a glint of calmness and comfort in her eyes. The taller had also realised that since the extreme bullying, Jiaqi had been quieter than normal. In the end, it might be simpler than exquisite venues but it was what Jiaqi needed then. The familiar sense of relaxation.

Jiaqi whipped out her phone and started taking photos of the greenery and Yuyan. "You look like an egg." The older girl deadpanned as she showed the photos she had secretly taken of Yuyan. Scoffing, the younger rolled her eyes and confidently responded, "Darling, I look better than any models out there. That egg I resemble must be that stunning huh."

As she let out a humorous laugh, Jiaqi grinned, "I was just kidding. You're such a pain in the ass." Yuyan raised a brow and smirked angelically yet sexily, "If I'm a pain in the ass, just add lubricant, sweetheart."

Eyes widening in shock, Jiaqi fake gagged before smacking her head for her dirty thoughts in which the younger just smiled sheepishly. Taking out a picnic mat, Yuyan then laid it down and pulled out a basket of food she had prepared when Jiaqi was in the showers. 4 sandwiches and some fruits she had randomly took from the fridge.

There were other people there too, from families, friends to lovers but since it was near late afternoon, there weren't as many people as Yuyan had expected. Pulling her knees to her chest after taking a seat, Jiaqi smiled at the sight of the taller. She was straightening the mat with the cutest expression plastered on her face, serious yet soft.

Resting her head on her knees as she stared at her, a red tint painted her cheeks. What did I do to deserve to go on a date with this woman? As she looked up, their eyes met. Yuyan's brows furrowed in worry as her hands reached out to Jiaqi's forehead.

"Why is your face so red?"

Smiling innocently, Jiaqi shook her head and grabbed a sandwich before gently shoving it down Yuyan's mouth, "Let's eat shall we?" The girl confusedly looked at Jiaqi as she munched on her food. Jiaqi on the other hand glanced away and took a bite of the sandwich before humming in delight.

"Your cooking skills are really a blessing." Yuyan's face lit up with excitement and happiness, her voice coming out in a anticipating tone. "That means you like it right?"

Shaking her head, Jiaqi disagreed, "I don't like it." Before the taller could speak, Jiaqi smiled, "I love it." Yuyan heaved a sigh of relief as she finished the last bite of her sandwich, "For a second you scared me there."

As they chatted on, the coral sky gradually turned a shade of purple before fading into a pool of darkness. The two girls laid on the picnic mat with their finger intertwined as they stared up into the night sky. The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. Looking up the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity, both remained in that position in comfortable silence.

In that moment, it felt as if it was only the two of them in the world, stargazing into a state of a dream like reality. The refreshing floral scent drifting towards them as they admired the sight.

"Isn't nature so beautiful?" Jiaqi started, her eyes not leaving the night sky. Yuyan hummed in agreement. She had never felt this feeling in a long time. Coped up in a busy life, there was no time for taking a breath. Only when she was in the club drowning herself in alcohol and sex or when she was smoking, these were the times she could escape from everything.

Now, it was different. All she needed was Jiaqi and some clear air.

Suddenly, a star fell across the sky. Jiaqi gasped and nudged Yuyan, "It's a shooting star! Let's hurry and make a wish." The short haired girl smiled excitedly as she removed her hand from Yuyan's and clasped them together, making a wish. On the other hand, the taller was murmuring her wish, in hopes that it will come true. Even if it wasn't coming true superstitiously, she herself was going to make it come true.

"What did you wish for?" Yuyan questioned the girl while the latter only shook her head, "I'm not saying. Apparently it won't come true if you say it out loud." Letting out a laugh, Yuyan sighed, "Guess my wish is not coming true then." Jiaqi sniggered before urging the girl to let her in on her wish. And of course Yuyan gave in to Jiaqi's adorable whining.

"Fine...I wished that we'll be together till we grow old. No matter if we're friends or a couple."

Jiaqi remained silent as she gazed into the sky before cracking a smile, "In that case, perhaps your wish can come true." Yuyan chuckled in a lighthearted tone upon hearing her response. Perhaps...

After a while, the two finally got themselves up from the picnic mat though it was tempting to lie there in the warm coldness of the night.

"Jiaqi, do you still remember that time when you thought I was fucking a blonde which I never did?" Yuyan's husky voice rang in her ear, sending shivers down her spine as she hummed.

"Mhmm. Why?"

Yuyan then cleared her throat and explained herself, "So that girl's from arts club. I met up with her and asked her for help since I was clueless at crafting stuff." Silence passed by as Jiaqi's curious gaze lingered on her. Yuyan then grinned and reached into her pocket before pulling out a necklace. It had a lavender butterfly hanging and her initials.

Jiaqi was speechless. She wanted to punch herself for misunderstanding her sweet intentions. Gently handling it as if it was the most priced valuable, Jiaqi's gaze darted from the necklace and to Yuyan who was pulling another necklace out of her pocket.

"See, it's a matching pair of necklace." Smiling widely, Yuyan showed her own one with a red butterfly and her initials. Jiaqi's eyes widened in amazement as she looked at the girl with a star-struck expression.

"Turn around, I'll help you put this on."

Following Yuyan's words, Jiaqi turned around before Yuyan's cold hands grazed her nape as she hooked the necklace. She then slid her hands down to her waist and pulled her into a back hug. Resting her chin on her shoulder, Yuyan placed a soft kiss on her jaw and whispered, "I hope you like it."

Jiaqi broke into a smile as she placed her hands over Yuyan's cold ones, tilting her head in a way that their noses were brushing against each other. After she pecked her soft plump lips, Jiaqi's gaze settled on her sparkling eyes, "I love it. After all, you made it for me."

With a bright grin etched on her face, Yuyan then made her way in front of Jiaqi, still holding onto her hands, "Before we go back, allow me to say something I wanted to say since the day I met you in the club."

Jiaqi's face was highlighted with a shade of crimson as she tried to hold her gaze with Yuyan. She knew what the girl was going to say and had prepared herself for this very moment. However, she still felt nervous. Her heart palpitated wildly as she held her breath.

Yuyan then placed a peck on her hand before looking into her eyes and asked sincerely,

"Will you be mine?"

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