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As time slowly flew by, a week passed by and it was the last week of school before summer break. Notified by Daimeng and Sunrui, teachers had reprimanded students who were involved in the bullying and the rumour spreader was also taught a lesson by Yuyan. Everything seemed to calm down for the most of it.

"Darling get ready...and put on some clothes now." Yuyan grinned as she entered their room, her cheeks growing red when her eyes landed on a nude Jiaqi. There was the girl laid on the bed face flat, sleeping, until Yuyan had woke her up. The short haired girl whined, refusing to get up as she pressed her face deeper into her pillow.

It was a Friday afternoon and Jiaqi had decided that no one was going to disturb her nap. However, Yuyan had a different idea. The girl had waited long enough to reveal the surprise she had prepared a month ago and she couldn't wait to officially ask her out.

"C'mon, didn't you ask me when I'm taking you out?" Winking at the blushing girl, Yuyan then leaned forward and wrapped her arms around her bare waist. Jiaqi's breath hitched in her throat and her eyes lit up. Before the still sleepy girl could speak, Yuyan flung her naked body over her shoulder, shocking the life out of Jiaqi.

"What the hell? What are you doing? Put me down." Right then, Jiaqi seemed like a fiesty chihwahwa trying to bite the taller. Chuckling in a teasing manner, Yuyan grip then loosened, literally dropping her onto the bed. The shorter girl narrowed hed eyes and punched Yuyan's stomach.

"What was that for?"

"I saw a couple do that when I was on my way home. Just wanted to try it." Her innocent and bright smile radiated and her eyes widened in amazement. Jiaqi tried hiding her laughter as she flicked a finger on Yuyan's forehead, "At this point, you would try everything huh."

The younger girl smirked devilishly as her innocent facáde vanished, her veiny hands trailing up Jiaqi's milky thigh, "You're right. I would try everything, perhaps even...bondage. I'm curious after all." That left Jiaqi in a complete state of shock, horror and lust. Yuyan then removed her hands and took a step back.

"But that would have to wait for another day. Today, I'm taking you on a date!" Exclaiming excitedly as she smiled adorably as if she hadn't just turned Jiaqi on. The older girl took a deep breath as she calmed herself before standing up.

"I'll go wash up first." Flashing a charming foxy grin, Jiaqi patted Yuyan's shoulders. Right before she passed by her, she then turned her head and leaned forward, whispering seductively, "Just to let you know. Curiousity killed the cat."

After a while, she then threw on a black butterfly shirt and a pair of black jeans. That was the first time Jiaqi had ever put on make up too. The mascara and eyeliner felt weird at first but she convinced herself that she had to impress the girl. For clothing wise, she just had hoodies and shirts, not a single dress spotted. Therefore, she ended up wearing her favourite shirt.

As she made her way to the door where Yuyan was already tying her shoelaces, Jiaqi cleared her throat. "Alright let's g- Holy shit are you wearing make up?"

Yuyan's sparkling eyes widened in confusion as she scanned her entire being. The taller couldn't help but stare in awe as her eyes trailed her face. Jiaqi was already stunning without make up so she didn't get why she had put it on in the first place. However, she never knew Jiaqi in make up would be such a blessing.

Jiaqi's gaze fell to the ground as she bit her ruby red lips nervously. "W-why? Do i look ugly in make up?" Not hesitating for even a millisecond, Yuyan closed the gap between them and kissed her. With bright red lipstick on, her lips somehow seemed even more enticing. At that point, Yuyan was controlling herself not to suck every part of her lips. Drowning herself in the new taste of her lips, Yuyan's hands travelled up her back. She tasted like cherries instead of the usual lavendar and roses.

Forcing herself off Jiaqi, Yuyan then tried to put on a smile to not show how aroused she was. "If you look ugly, I'm a potato then, sweetheart.I don't get why you even bother to put it on when you already look like a goddess. But, I can't deny that you look so fucking gorgeous."

The corner of Jiaqi's lips tugged up as she wore her vans, not before thanking the taller with a light peck on the side of her neck right below her earlobe. Teasing the girl, she smiled, "You look great with my little mark on you." Yuyan playfully rolled her eyes as she hid her growing smile, "I'll try not to rub it off, my queen."

There was the two walking out of the dorm with huge grins plastered on their face. Their date was going to be great and nothing was going to ruin it. Unless?


y'all i'm so sorry for not updating in such a long time. I was spending time with my family and all so updating the book kinda slipped my mind.

Also this is a filler chapter. I will be posting 2 long chapters tomorrow so 期待一下吧🤧

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