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Shock took over her body as she continued processing what had just happened. With their lips locked, Jiaqi was about to pull back when Xueer subconsciously deepened the kiss, her tongue entering the latter's mouth. Making out for a few moments, it was then she realised that she was taking it too far. The redheaded hastily stopped herself from going further and forced herself off Jiaqi, her heart still racing.

Silence suffocated the two. Leaning in to hug Jiaqi again, Xueer smiled softly and whispered, "Thank you..." Her gaze seemed distant yet longing as she pulled back from the hug. Nodding in understanding, Jiaqi's lips tugged up into a small smile, "I'll see you tomorrow in school, have a good night Xueer."

As the sky turned darker and tiny orbs of light appeared, there was Jiaqi lying on her bed as she scrolled through Instagram. She was just wondering when Yuyan was going to return when the door creaked open, revealing the taller who had her head hung low.

"You're finally back, Yuyan." Grinning brightly, Jiaqi got off the bed and gave her a huge hug. The latter however did not hug the girl back. That was when she realised something was off. Instead of that usual twinkle in her eyes, it was a murderous and gloomy gaze now.

Pulling away from the hug, Jiaqi's forehead creased as she questioned the girl, her voice cracking with worry, "A-Are you alright?" Not sparing her another glance, Yuyan nodded her head and shrugged it off, her voice was as cold as the north pole, "I'm fine." Without another word, she harshly threw her purse onto her bed and headed straight for the showers.

Jiaqi's mind begun running through every single possible scenario of what got Yuyan this mad and disappointed. That one percent of possibility popped in her mind as her eyes slowly widened. Instantly reaching for her phone, she then went onto the campus blog where all gossips, rumours and hot news were discussed in.

Halfway scrolling through this week's posts, that possibility slowly slipped away. Maybe I'm just being too paranoid. As she was about to exit the page, her hands suddenly froze. There was the picture of Jiaqi and Xueer kissing outside her dorm. Slowly bringing herself to scroll further, another post popped up which was a video. It was as if her heart had stopped and so did the world.

At that point, she didn't care of all the nasty comments from Xueer's pursuers, she just cared about the girl who was in the showers. Her eyes then darted to the caption, making her want to laugh psychotically at how ridiculous it was. Never expected the loner, Xu Jiaqi to stoop that low, seducing our campus sweetheart for money. Kong Xueer deserves better, am I right?

Burying her face into her palms, Jiaqi felt tears form in her eyes, the thoughts of Yuyan's feelings invading her mind. She hated how even in that moment, only Yuyan was in her mind and not even herself. Not being able to wait in that suffocating second in time, she didn't bother if she hadn't finished showering and rushed into the bathroom.

Taken by surprise though still feeling extremely down, Yuyan glanced at Jiaqi who had her hand over her eyes. She intended to ask the girl to leave in the coldest manner when she beat her to speaking. Raising her voice a little to sound over the patters of water droplets, Jiaqi started, "I don't want you to feel anymore down or angry so I wanna make it as clear as possible right now. Also I know we're neither official nor dating yet but I feel the need to speak up so please just hear me out. "

Taking in a deep breath, she continued, "That whole kissing Xueer thing was a goodbye...in terms of feelings." A second passed by and the sound of gushing water suddenly stopped. Yuyan clenched her fists as she bit down on her lip, her gaze stuck onto the short haired girl who still had her hand covering her eyes. When she had first saw the video and pictures, she felt a rush of all sorts of negative emotions, eating her up.

However, those feelings subsided when she told herself that there was definitely more to what meets the eye. Additionally, she convinced herself that she shouldn't be feeling that way as they weren't even dating though it feels like it.

Jiaqi on the other hand was in a state of confusion, wondering if Yuyan had left the bathroom that's why it's so silent.

Removing her hand, her eyes then locked with Yuyan's dark luminous ones through the glass door. A hushed gasp escaped her mouth as her hand flew back up to her eyes. "I am so sorry. I thought you left." Her cheeks blushed a deep red and her voice wavered. Though she was still puzzled, angry and sad, Yuyan couldn't help but smile at how cute Jiaqi was. She was indeed her weakness.

As she cleared her throat, Jiaqi then resumed the one sided conversation, "A-As I was saying, Xueer confessed to me but wanted to remain being my friend after figuring out my true feelings. That kiss was to seal our promise to stay as friends and never head into a relationship phase. Also, I don't know if you have seen the video but I initiated that kiss so please do not be mad at Xueer."

Somehow, her negative feelings slowly subsided as a smirk crept up her face. Stepping out the shower without alerting the shorter, Yuyan then stood in front of Jiaqi. Her arms wrapped around the girl's waist and pulled her body against her chest, earning a yelp from the latter. Whispering in Jiaqi's ear, Yuyan's calming scent invaded her nostrils, "If we're not a couple, why would I be mad about you kissing Xueer?"

Jiaqi froze as her eyelids fluttered shut, as if being hypnotised by her scent and touch. As she trailed her hands down from her back to her hip, Yuyan then roughly bit onto her bottom lip. Her breath hit against her lips as she continued, "You can kiss anyone and I wouldn't care, sweetheart."

Slowly pushing her against the door of the bathroom, she then started leaving wet sloppy kisses on her exposed neck. In a soft yet poisonous tone, Yuyan spoke, "But I'm curious..." Her voice trailed off as she started biting and sucking her skin, dark red hickeys appearing everywhere. Jiaqi's back arched in pleasure, letting out a moan which enticed Yuyan even more.

"What do you mean by true feelings? Do you like someone else?" Her smirk grew wider against her skin, sending shivers down Jiaqi's spine. The short haired girl nodded her head and barley managed to answer with the constant abuse on her neck and chest area, "Y-Yes..." The taller hummed and leaned back so that their gaze could meet. With lust, anger and jealousy filled eyes, she licked her lips and raised a perfect brow.

"Tell me, Jiaqi. Who is it?" Mischief and seriousness laced her voice.

The girl who was panting slightly muttered as she held onto the door handle for support, "You." Yuyan shook her head as a grin replaced her smirk, "I can't hear you. Who do you love?" Jiaqi bit her lip nervously before repeating, "You, Yuyan. I love you."

The taller's face supported a wide smile as she pecked the girl's forehead, the anger and jealousy instantly vanishing as happiness consumed her.

"That's all I need to hear and know, my love."


y'all really thought worse and more drama XD i think you guys should start writing tbh, your plots are much more interesting (it's a fact so don't deny it)

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