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Feeling uneasy about the whole roommate situation, Jiaqi lightly clenched her jaw as she made her way to her soft fluffy bed. Before falling into a deep slumber, Jiaqi grabbed her phone and checked for any unread messages. As her eyes landed on her notifications, her brow raised in slight shock. Why are there so many notifications?

Of course it was from the one and only Yuyan. Considering whether she should answer, Jiaqi groaned in exasperation. What can go wrong with a hi right? It all started with a simple 'hi, this is Yuyan' which escalated to messages like 'i can make you scream with and without the s' as they started chatting more.

Jiaqi was perfectly fine with a simple innocent conversation however after exchanging greetings, her finger was on the way to the block button. Though her tummy did feel a tiny bit jittery, Jiaqi shrugged it off thinking it was just disgust towards her dirty lines.

That was how Jiaqi's Saturday night was. Morning then arrived with her heading to her work place and coming back home in time for dinner, as usual. Once again, Jiaqi had several messages from the taller. Too tired to reply them all, she decided to leave her on read before plopping down on her bed.

Just as she was about to sleep, her phone rang. With her vision still blurry, she had thought it was probably her mother therefore accepting the call.

"Mom, why are you still up? It's already late at night, you should head to sleep now or it'll be bad for your health." Groggily speaking into the phone, Jiaqi yawned exhaustingly. Suddenly, a chuckle made the girl's eyes widened.

"Mom? I would prefer if you called me daddy." The familiar yet foreign deep husky voice of the player rang through the phone as Jiaqi felt knots in her stomach tighten. Remaining silent, Yuyan's shallow and calming breaths could be heard, somehow making Jiaqi feel much more relaxed.

"Why are you calling?" Curious as to why her seammate would want to give her a call this late at night, Jiaqi questioned.

"Because I want to hear your voice. And also because you left me on read...on all my messages." Her hoarse deep voice lingered in Jiaqi's ears while the girl tried ignoring the clenching of her heart. Why do I feel so weird?

"Well I'm sorry. I'm just tired."

Silence then passed by once again before Jiaqi muttered, "I'm going to hang up now."

Just as she was about to click the red button, a tiny voice reached her ears, "Good night Jiaqi." However it was too late for the latter to return a good night as she had already hung up. A slight smiled made its way up to Jiaqi's face without the girl even knowing. She didn't know why but she felt more at peace and calm after hearing the player's voice.

It was as if Yuyan was right next to her whispering in her ear.

School then came and of course the first thing she sees in the morning was Yuyan leaning against her locker with a huge grin.

As she made way for Jiaqi to grab her books, Yuyan then wrapped her arms around the girl's waist. Back hugging the frozen latter, she then breathed out, "Morning princess. Hope you had a nice sleep last night?"

Jiaqi didn't know how to react. Whether to push her off, shout at her or kindly ask her to remove her arms. However, her body didn't react to any of the three things in her mind. No matter how badly Jiaqi wanted to go all out on the player right then, she just couldn't. Something was holding her back.

Instead, she continued taking out her books. A soft pinkish hue grew on her cheeks as she lightly tapped her hand, "Care if you let go? I need to walk."

The warmth of the taller embraced her as they remained in that position with Yuyan's minty and sweet breath tickled the back of her ears. Her heart begun pounding harder and faster as seconds flew by. Jiaqi hated how she felt and acted right then. This doesn't feel like herself at all. There was no way she would let a mere seatmate back hug her. Heck, she rarely even let Daimeng or Sunrui touch her!


Before she finished counting, Yuyan's grip loosened around her waist as she turned the short haired girl around. Staring right into her starry luminous eyes, she raised a brow while scanning her slightly flushed face, "Are you alright Jiaqi? Why didn't you push me off and yell at me?"

The shorter bit her lip as she turned away and slammed her locker shut, "Ignore whatever had happened." Before Yuyan could speak, Jiaqi was already on her way to her classroom. She couldn't think of any reason, even she herself was confused as to why she didn't lash out on the player.

When lessons started, both Yuyan and Jiaqi had not spoke to each other. Yuyan was thinking about every possible reason why Jiaqi behaved like that while Jiaqi on the other hand was trying to avoid conversing with her seatmate. As time passed along with an awkward and stiff atmosphere, Yuyan finally decided to speak up.

"I can't stand this uncomfortable silence anymore and I know you can't too. Let's just forget what happened this morning and think of it as a miracle." Flashing an adorable boxy smile, Yuyan faced the girl. Jiaqi avoided eye contact as she cleared her hoarse throat.

"A miracle?"

"Yeap. A miracle. Because something impossible happened to me. Which is you being nice to me." A glint of sadness and hope flashed through her eyes as the girl maintained her smirk. Sighing deeply, the short haired girl nervously clenched her fists while staring into her hazy eyes.

"Glad you know that will never happen again." She knows its harsh to say that but she just couldn't think of any other responses. Her mind would flash red while alarms would trigger in her head whenever she gets stuck in a conversation she didn't know how to escape. And Jiaqi hated that.

Instead of showing any signs of disappointment, Yuyan's smirk only got wider as she leaned forward, "But trust me. I won't give up on being your friend, or maybe even more." Winking at her last few words, Yuyan then ruffled the stunned girl's hair before slinging her bag over her shoulders.

The empty classroom had only Jiaqi left as she slowly got up and made her way to the door. The streaks of the setting sun lit up the dim classroom as Jiaqi sighed. She knew that there was no point escaping Yuyan as slowly, her heart would open up to her. And only her.

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