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Jiaqi patted Xueer's back to signal the girl to release her from the hug as a familiar ocean deep voice met her ears. Not knowing exactly what was the reason for that, Jiaqi could only blame it on her anxiety when it comes to human touch.

Awkward silence enveloped the three as Yuyan's piercing gaze darted between Xueer and Jiaqi. Her darkened luminous eyes then impaled into the short hair girl's ones as she raised a perfect brow, as if demanding her to answer her question.

The redheaded on the other hand had her brows furrowing in confusion while analyzing Yuyan's weird actions. Not being to wait for a response, Yuyan grabbed onto Jiaqi's arm as a half forced smile appeared on her face.

"Sorry Xueer, we got to go to class or else we're gonna be late. See you later during lunch."

Nodding as a tiny smile surfaced her face, Xueer replied calmly though still puzzled as to what had just happened, "Alright see you later, Yan."

As Xueer's back faced the pair, Yuyan turned back to the girl and raised another brow, "Why were the two of you hugging?" Jiaqi's forehead creased as she shot the taller a questionable look, "I thought we're going to class now?"

Narrowing her eyes, Yuyan leaned forward intimidatingly before replying in a serious tone, "After you answer why you were hugging Xueer." She felt chills shoot down her spine while her mind went wild with thoughts.

"She was just thanking me for something. What's there to even ask about?" Grunting in annoyance, Jiaqi rolled her eyes and made her way straight past the player. Why did she even ask that in the first place? Was she perhaps je- there's no way, I should stop overthinking this.

As slow as time seemed to be, classes have finally ended. The sun was setting below the horizon as Yuyan leaned against the door, her eyes scanning the girl who was packing her bag. Uncrossing her arms, the taller clenched her jaw as she made her way to Jiaqi before trapping her between her arms.

Her back was pressed against the desk as Yuyan towered over her, her canine eyes piercing into Jiaqi's own ones. Staring into those scarily dark orbs of the player, she gulped in fear and curiosity. The girl who pinning her wrists onto the desk looked like a wild animal under the warm orange hue. As her tongue ran over her lips, her predatory gaze never left Jiaqi's own set of enticing lips. The short haired girl couldn't help but feel those butterflies like feeling in her tummy once again.

"W-what are you doing, Y-Yuyan?" Muttering in a whisper, her lips slightly trembled. She then suddenly felt her core being pressed against her knee. With widened eyes and a palpitating heart, Jiaqi couldn't think straight at this point. Her mind was just clouded around what Yuyan's next move was.

"Yuyan, get off me right now." At least managing to control her breathing which was slowly becoming staggered, Jiaqi hissed. However, it didn't seem too effective as the girl was doing the exact opposite of what she way saying. Her hands instantly reached up to grip onto Yuyan's shoulders as the taller pushed her knee harder against her bottom front, a slight moan escaping her throat.

Ignoring every of her words, Yuyan couldn't help it but close the gap between them. As soon as she had kissed the girl, electric sparks erupted in her tummy and on her lips. Her lips came into contact with Jiaqi's as the bottom remained completely still. Yuyan still continued moving her lips. She was about to pull away when the bottom responded, to her surprise.

Yuyan didn't know what exactly she was doing and why she was even kissing Jiaqi. Ever since the harmless and small interaction between Xueer and Jiaqi, Yuyan had a new found feeling rumbling deep inside her heart. Regardless of jealousy or possessiveness, Yuyan didn't know exactly what it was. She just knew that she hated seeing Jiaqi in others' arms.

When she and Jiaqi were alone in the empty classroom, Yuyan had those feelings along with others warped around her heart as she stared at the girl which led her to recklessly kissing Jiaqi. She was also a girl who had sex with many many girls, however, she had never made a move in impulse. This was her first time doing so.

Yuyan's tongue grazed her soft and warm bottom lip as if asking for entrance to her mouth which Jiaqi had accepted without even considering. In the heat of the moment, she could only follow along the growing need and lust between them. Slipping her tongue in, their tongues danced together smoothly as Yuyan's hand caressed up and down from Jiaqi's hip to her thigh.

A low moan escaped from Yuyan's throat as Jiaqi's hands tugged onto her hair, deepening their passionate kiss. Not long later, the slow and steady rhythm had changed to a fast and needy one. Their lips mashed together as their tongues fought, as if seeing who was the dominant one. Of course Yuyan had won.

Lightly sucking on her bottom lip, Yuyan then moved her lips down to her chin and up to her jaw. Pulling her skin between her teeth, Yuyan bit and sucked hard on her lower jaw. Right after that, she ran her tongue over her warm skin, soothing the pain into pure pleasure.

She then moved down to her neck and continued sucking and biting, not forgetting to leave several hickeys on her neck, jaw and collarbones. Jiaqi let out a contended moan as Yuyan's hands slipped up her school uniform, caressing her heated skin right beneath her bra.

Just as Jiaqi thought Yuyan was going to go further, Yuyan hurriedly pulled out her hand and took a step back, leaving Jiaqi panting and breathless as she supported herself against the desk. Her slight messy hair, her disheveled attire, her flushed, lusty face and the sweat trickling down her neck had made Yuyan feel even hornier than she was before.

However, she knew it would be against Jiaqi's will if she had went any further. Knowing the girl, she hated human touch so this was already a huge stepping stone but...Yuyan just had a feeling that Jiaqi wouldn't have accepted what was after kissing.

"I-I'm sorry...I shouldn't have-" Before Yuyan could finish her sentence, Jiaqi interrupted as she shook her head, "You don't have to apologise. L-Let's just not make this awkward for the both of us. Especially when we're roommates."

Silence then took over the classroom, only their slight heaving breathing could be heard. After nodding her head in agreement, Yuyan cleared her throat.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow?" Nervousness laced Yuyan's voice as she avoided eye contact with the girl.

As she was about to turn around, Jiaqi held onto her wrist and put her to a halt. "Aren't you going back to our dorm?" Yuyan bit down onto her lip as she thanked her lucky stars that Jiaqi wasn't mad at her. Well...at least judging by her tone she wasn't.

Turning around to face her, Yuyan managed to reply without stuttering, "I'm sleeping over at Xueer's tonight but I'll be back tomorrow night." Jiaqi nodded her head understandingly before a tiny smile crept up her face, "Have a good night."

Not able to hold back a slowly growing grin, Yuyan's eyes twinkled in love.

"You too, Jiaqi."

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