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It was a Sunday. Jiaqi had been out at work for the whole day while Yuyan stayed home catching up with studies. Soon, evening arrived with Jiaqi stepping into the dorm all exhausted. The atmosphere in their room tensed up as soon as she entered.

"Why are you ignoring me again? I thought we were good?" Yuyan sighed as she sat on the her bed, staring into the girl's lethargic eyes. She wasn't stupid. Ever since last night, she had noticed Jiaqi completely avoiding her again.

When Yuyan had tried to talk to her right before sleeping, Jiaqi would just turn and face the wall instead of her. When she had texted the latter during her lunch break, Jiaqi left her on received which was had never happened for this past week. The least she would type was 'bye'.

Throwing her sling bag by her bed, Jiaqi didn't spare Yuyan a single glance before stepping into the shower. The door then slammed shut. That just confirmed her suspicions even more. Biting onto her lip, she thought of all the possible things she could have done to Jiaqi in order to trigger this behaviour.

Was it because I came back late last night? But she isn't that protective... Wait, did she notice me taking her cookies- She was snapped out of her thoughts when her phone rang. Checking the caller, Yuyan rolled her eyes and declined almost immediately. It was one of the many girls she had 'dated'.

Staring up at the ceiling, the latter sighed and held her head dramatically as if she had a severe headache, "Ughh what exactly did I do to make her avoid me?!"

After a few more minutes had passed, the door then swung open with Jiaqi wearing an oversized shirt and extremely short pants which were almost covered by her shirt. She had the towel wrapped up on her head, drying her hair as she made her way to her bed. Once again, not acknowledging the Yuyan's existence.

Annoyed by how she was acting, the taller grunted and swiftly got on top of Jiaqi, sitting on her torso as she pinned her wrists down. "Tell me why you're doing this again." Dominance dripped from her words as she narrowed her anger filled eyes.

Tightening her grip around her wrists, Yuyan's piercing gaze got in contact with her own. Jiaqi winced but that was the only sound she made before giving in. "Get off me."

Yuyan shook her head and leaned in dangerously close, "No. Tell me first. Only if I'm satisfied with that answer, then I'll let you go."

Their staggered and silent breathings filled the room as Jiaqi tried sorting out her next words in her mind. She really didn't want to be dealing with this right now. Lying through her teeth, Jiaqi forced, "I-I'm just not feeling well. My head is throbbing and my throat hurts so I didn't want to talk that much."

Relieved that she could give an excuse, Jiaqi's breaths had gotten smoother. After the taller scanned her expression, she broke into a worried demeanor.

"You should've told me and stayed at home! You didn't have to push yourself to go to work..." Yuyan's forehead creased as she instantly got off the girl and gently caressed her cheeks. Jiaqi felt a surge of guilt pulse through her veins for lying. However, even if she didn't want to lie, she didn't want to tell Yuyan her true feelings which was jealousy.

She had spent last night and even this morning to think about why she was acting that way. To know that Yuyan was out with another girl doing god knows what had made Jiaqi's heart clenched, not in a good way. She was an introvert but it doesn't mean she's that naïve. Jiaqi figured that she would need some time to dig deeper and find out the root of her jealousy. Hence, not wanting to let Yuyan in on her real reason.

Monday morning soon came in a blink with Jiaqi and Yuyan going separately to school. At first when Yuyan heard the shorter's request she wanted to reject it when Jiaqi begged her with a pout. How could she say no to that? Yuyan had went earlier with Jiaqi leaving their dorm with her 2 friends. Well the thing was, she didn't want to be seen with the school's badass because that would mean attention.

Making her way to her locker, Jiaqi hadn't expected to see Xueer 2 lockers away from her. Had her locker been that close to mine? Silently grabbing her books, she wished the girl wouldn't strike a conversation but of course, the redheaded noticed.

"Good morning, Jiaqi. How's preparations for exams?"

Collecting herself together, Jiaqi turned around and flashed a small smile, "I-It's going alright I guess...Could be better." Xueer nodded slowly, her breath taking smile never leaving her face. "Same goes for me too. However, I still can't understand Biology that well."

Upon hearing her words, Jiaqi's eyes widened, "You take Biology?" Needless to say, Biology was Jiaqi's favourite field of study. Once again nodding her head, Xueer sighed while closing her locker, "Unfortunately, yes."

Before she could stop herself from saying it, she had her mouth already opened, "W-well, if you need help with that, I can teach you. Biology is uh...something that I can ace." After realising what she had just said, Jiaqi wanted to slap herself.

Xueer's doll like eyes widened in gratitude as she wrapped her arms around the girl's neck, "Thank you so much Jiaqi! You have no idea how much this means to me." Not knowing what to do, Jiaqi awkwardly placed her arm on the redhead's back, "N-no problem."

Suddenly a faked cough travelled to their ears.

"Ahem, are y'all done hugging or do you need more time?"

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