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This chapter is dedicated to all my little elves 🎅🏼😉❤🎁✨ MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

"Theone?" I rush. He must know where he is, but the way his eyebrows furrow in a deep frown digs a hole inside my stomach.

"Theone?! I've just dropped him at the station."

"What?! No?! Why?!" I exclaim, breathless, and I can feel it's close to becoming a cry.

"He said you've chosen Aden and that he can't stay watching you–"

"What?! Why?! I've never chosen Aden! I've chosen him! I love him, he can't go!" My voice gets louder as if Theone would hear me wherever he is. Though he might hear the thumps of my heart from how loud it is right now. "How can he think that?!"

"I don't know, he's just told me that after his speech."

My heart stops... The speech... Aden and I... The mistletoe kiss.

"Argh! Theone! What an idiot! Didn't he see the mistletoe above our heads?! Always jumping to conclusions like he knows everything! He's so annoying!"

"Wait, so you love him too?" Jason interrupts my rant.

Okay, this may be confusing, hearing the way I'm cursing Theone right now, but that's how we are. That's us.

"Yes, and now he's gone." This fact falls on me like a ton of bricks, crushing me whole, my heart, my hope, my breath, and even my annoyance.

"No, maybe not." Jason grabs my shoulders, making me tilt my head back in front of his tall yet comforting figure. "He had to buy his ticket, and you know there isn't a train every two minutes in deepest Jersey on a Christmas Eve."

My heart jolts with hope under all the weight pressing it down.

"My phone! I need my phone!" I start running around like a maniac. 

I've always told that Theone would drive me mad; I just would have never expected to be crazy about him.

I jump on my phone when I spot it on the entrance's console table, between the figurines of Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, and I pray with all my heart they'll help me as my shaky fingers press the call button.

One ringing tone... I hold my breath.

Two ringing tones... My heart starts cracking under the heaviness.

Three ringing tones... All the Christmas hope and magic vanishes from my body, even if I sound like a Christmas carol.

And when I get to his voicemail, I realize my heart is broken; it is broken because of me and my stupidity.

"Theone, please don't leave... I-I love you," I croak after the cold beep.

"He doesn't answer my calls either," Jason tells me, and the soft, careful tone of his voice is enough to prove how wrecked I look, how hopeless it is.

"Of course, he doesn't want to hear from me..." I'm not even cursing him anymore; I'm only cursing myself as I still try to text him.

I've hurt him. I've ruined my chance of true love. I don't even deserve him, so maybe it's better this way, and the crippling pain in all my muscles, especially my heart, is only fair.

"Go chase him then!" I lift up my head to find Aden and everyone standing by the doorway – when I've told you my life is a drama TV show for everyone around me!

"The ride is more than 10 minutes, and he's got already enough time to catch a train." I sigh, glancing at my phone to check the time and my texts for the hundredth time.

MY CHRISTMAS ROMANCEWhere stories live. Discover now