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This chapter is dedicated to @nellathorn one of my talented friends who has always been there to give me advice 😊 It's been a while and I miss you, but I hope you'll like this little thank you gift 😘❤

"Fuck, I'm not good at this." He lets out a frustrated sigh at the same time that he lets go of my hands to pass his fingers through his hair for the umpteenth time, and when he glances at me again, something seems to click inside his head, while mine is even more blurred. "Just wait a second." He puts his index finger up and disappears before I can even say anything, not that I would anyway.

I'm already busy trying to find my breath again as I watch him rush to the end of the hallway into a small door that looks like a broom closet. 

What in hell is this? I'm already enough lost; I don't need the devil to add to the confusion. Though he doesn't look like the devil. He's seemed nervous, and I've never seen him like that.

He keeps showing me new parts of him, and this is not how it is supposed to go; I'm especially not supposed to find them even more attractive and cute. He's cute, running his fingers through his curls and frowning like he's trying to pierce some mystery, yet at the same time, his gaze is still unsettling and intense.

I really need to stop. This is not how I'm gonna calm down and breathe. So I try to inhale calmly, pacing around and focusing on the decorations we've put here too. 

The afternoon sun is beating down on the plate glass windows, and it's clear that there won't be snow this year, yet the rays of lights illuminating the fir branches, reflecting on the colored baubles, and outshining the fairy lights are making it magical in their own way. 

Maybe it's a nice thing that this party is taking place during the day and not for the Christmas dinner. I know it's because there are more people this way; people like to celebrate the Christmas Eve dinner with their family at home – that's what we're going to do in a few hours – and the kids can enjoy more of the party this way, yet the different lighting is also a great reason, and I definitely will put it in my blog post.

I'm calming down as I let the ideas flow. This is the only thing that clears my mind and makes it easier to breathe.

However, it doesn't last as Theone reappears in front of me, and all the turmoil comes back in an overwhelming rush that takes my breath away at the sight of the bouquet in his hands. 

It's the most beautiful bouquet I've ever seen. It's Christmas-themed with golden ribbons, fake sparkling snowflakes, a few sprigs of mistletoe, and red flowers: poinsettias, tulips, amaryllis, and... roses. My heart leaps, crashing loudly against my ribcage with the meaning behind them. 

Maybe Theone doesn't know, maybe...

"Penny, I didn't like these past days with you, I loved them... They're some of the best holidays I've ever spent, and even if it was crazy and we didn't agree on anything, I loved every second. I love who I am with you, just myself. I love talking, laughing with you... kissing you... I love how passionate you are, I love your big heart... I think I love you – No, I know I love you."

I think I've lost my heart somewhere during his speech. My breath is long gone; that's for sure, and my mind is following.

"I know you have feelings for Aden and your plan with him, but..." His words become hesitant again. "I think there is something special between us... I don't know if you feel it too? I don't know what you feel..." His eyes search over my blank face before glancing at his camera hanging around his neck, and there, I feel it again, my heart coming back in my chest through a furious hammering. 

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