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After the poll I asked you on Insta, you got it: Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift is Peneone's song! And it fits perfectly for this chapter 😍🤩✨❤ Though Willow still fits them perfectly, and I still advise you to go listen to it after (that's what I'm gonna do while crying and missing them 😭)

*1 year and a week later*

"Happy New Year!" Kyle's voice booms through my phone before I can even get a clear image of his wide smile, and the video finally focuses when Amy swats him.

"It's not New Year yet! They still have a few minutes!"

"A few minutes more or less, it's the same!" Kyle rolls his eyes; well, I can guess it through his voice as the camera is turned away, and I only hear them arguing in the background.

Instead, I'm met by two warm cinnamon eyes.

"Hey!" Aden leans away, going back to his seat and letting me see the cup of – I don't even want to pronounce this evil mixture's name, as it brings back too many buried memories – on his desk, and the red and white holidays sweater he's wearing. I think I've created a monster...

"Hi." Their screen tilts lightly again, and I smile at the blond-haired woman waving at me.

"Hi, Rachel."

Rachel is the new intern, the one who has replaced Kyle after he's taken over my post – and yes, Kyle is doing an amazing job. He's the only one I would trust to succeed me, and I'm sure he'll soon take off to bigger articles. 

But that's not the point. Rachel has not only taken Kyle's place; she's also taken an important place in Aden's newly-open heart. It's clear in the way they're holding hands. 

According to Kyle, it's been love at first sight the moment they've met. Amy says it's because they have so much in common, blah blah... Yet I'm well-placed to know that it isn't about similarities. 

Anyway, Aden has made the first move, which makes me feel like a proud mamma, and now they've been dating for a few months. The Aden so oblivious and his strong carapace are long gone, and it's at least a part of my Christmas romance plan that has worked.

"So how are the Maldives?" Aden asks, about to reach for his cup, but he decides against it, and from the embarrassed look in his eyes, I know he hasn't forgotten either.

"It's beautiful! The landscapes, the culture, and history... I don't know if you can see much?" I lift my phone to show them a glimpse of the paradisiacal landscape behind me. "But I'll try to send you some pics tomorrow."

"Don't worry, we already saw some photos on the blog. They're amazing!" Rachel replies as they're both squinting their eyes at the screen.

"Already?" My question remains unanswered as two figures reappear on the screen, Amy and Kyle trying to squeeze up so I can see everyone. 

"Finally?" I lift an eyebrow playfully.

"Look who is complaining! You've been supposed to video call us already 10 minutes ago." Amy imitates my expression, knowing she has a point.

"Yeah, what have you been doing for all this time?" Kyle smirks, and to my dismay, they're already teaming against me again.

"I told you I had a last-minute hitch." I avoid all their inquisitive gazes, and I'm tempted to pretend the video is being cut off as the heat rushes to my cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah... a hitch with the bed and–"

"Amy! So how does it feel to know it's your last day at work here?" I cut Kyle off. 

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