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I dedicate this chapter to my friend @tessa_x_lahey This chapter just made me think of you, you know how we talked about how the popular ones can fall for the invisible ones... 😏🤫  Remember that you're beautiful inside and out, I love you 😘❤

I glance at my right, and I can tell Theone is thinking the same, our twinkling gazes already picturing what we're gonna eat first after too many hours of hard work.

"What have you put in the cookies?!" My mom's voice behind freezes us in our tracks, and we keep our sideways glances at each other, still thinking the same, yet it's another childish emotion and way less fun.

We turn to her piercing blue eyes already narrowing at us to seek the truth. 

Theone puts on his best innocent smile, exactly the same he's always worn some years ago, and he's really good at it because if you don't notice the light indent of his left dimple, you can almost see a halo above his head.

"So what have you added to my recipe?" my mom repeats, crossing her arms over her chest, and I look at Theone with expectant eyes to remind him of his words from yesterday.

"Nothing!" He grins proudly and confidently, while the colorful chips dotting the cookies are making it pretty obvious. "We've just put a lot of love."

I press my lips together to hold my gasp and my laugh. He has some cheek! I shouldn't be surprised though.

What is more unexpected is my mom's reaction as she squints at us before offering us a grin as wide.

"Whatever it is, they're selling like hotcakes! People keep coming back for more!" She claps her hands together excitedly as she leads us to the booth a few feet away.

"I told you! Admit it: I was right," Theone whispers in my ear with the same smug smile.

"I need to taste them first." My stomach echoes my words with a growl.

"You haven't yet?!" Both Theone and my mom turn to me with wide eyes.

"No, but I will." I nod to the packets of cookies laying on the most beautiful booth of the market, in my humble, subjective opinion.

The same wooden sign as every year is standing in front, the carved words 'Christmas Cookies and Sweets Made With Love' making me shake my head this year, while fairy lights are entangled in fir branches all around the booth, and Emily is already putting new packets of cookies and sweets in the numerous empty spots that must be from what has been sold.

Besides, this year, there is a new addition that makes this booth even more magical: Aden appearing with a few fake poinsettias in his right hand.

"Here, Mrs. Jensen." Aden hands the flowers to my mom, and I take the opportunity to find his arms, to be more credible of course.

"Come on, I've already told you to call me Marta! Thank you." She grabs a few fir branches laying in a box behind the booth. "I've promised to give this to Liz and Jo. I leave you the booth, you know what to do." She looks at Emily and me because of course, she only trusts us.

"Yeah, don't worry." I quickly join Emily, spotting a cookie and grabbing it on my way.

I've been dreaming of this cookie since this morning, and after the torture my muscles have been through, it's well deserved. 

I close my eyes, savoring the crusty sensation under my teeth, and it's soon followed by the buttery sweetness I know very well, though there's one more texture that crunches in my mouth and releases an inimitable sweetness; it resembles the chocolate chips, yet it's different, warmer, and it adds something unique to the cookies I love so much. It brings me the sensations of yesterday when we've made them: this childhood's lightness and sweet indulgence.

MY CHRISTMAS ROMANCEWhere stories live. Discover now