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I had to put this song! It's a classic! 😍🎄🤩

As promised, it's time to announce the ship names *drum roll* It'll be Peneone and Adpen 😁 What do you think? Thank you for all your suggestions, it was hard to choose cuz they were all awesome!! 😘

This chapter is dedicated to another one of my new readers @belovedfinch Your comments are cracking me up and warming my heart, so thank you 😘❤ I hope you're enjoying the story so far!

My eyes flutter open only to close again, not ready to pull out of the peacefulness I've been floating in. My mind is slowly awakening, but my body is still wrapped in a warm cocoon; it's fluffy and firm at the same time, and I can't put a word on what it is, yet it doesn't feel like my old mattress, and it's moving.

I lift up my head abruptly, the jump of my heart finally opening my eyes, and I take in the dark grey tee-shirt with what looks like a video game print and the chest underneath me. Theone. He's still sleeping peacefully, and it's almost ironic how angelic he looks with his curls falling messily on his forehead and his rosy lips slightly parted to let out steady breaths. 

But I quickly snap out of my stare as I become aware of the rest of his body intertwining with mine from his legs under the cover to his arms holding me securely as if to make sure I don't fall.

I try to slide out of this cocoon as softly as possible to not wake him up. There is no way he can know about this, or he'll never stop with his snide remarks.

 As soon as I'm on my feet, I run out of the room, and I head straight for the kitchen when I see the bright light from the sun already illuminating the hallway.

"Slept well?" I jump once more as I enter the kitchen.

My mom and Emily are looking at me with the same sparkle in their eyes, and it's clear as much in the icy blue of my mom's gaze as in Emily's dark brown one that they've seen me on the couch, or more exactly on Theone. 

All the blood rushes to my face as my sleepy brain can't even imagine what they're thinking, but why are they smiling at me this way? I turn away from them to focus on serving myself a much-needed cup of black coffee.

"What time is it?" There's no point in answering my mom's previous question, and I just want to avoid the subject.

"Half past nine."

I almost choke on my first gulp of bitter coffee. "What?! Why didn't you wake me up?! We have all the decoration to do for the party."

I swear I've set my alarm, but of course, my phone has stayed in my bedroom; I haven't planned to sleep in the living room. I've been supposed to watch my movie and go back to sleep with a dreamy mind in my room, but then, Theone has been there, and... I don't know. I must have fallen asleep before the end of the movie. I've missed the best part. 

The blood leaves my face as fast as it's come on this realization. I never miss the best part. Yet last night, I've barely followed any part of the movie, and I remember more Theone's laugh than the storyline, even if I can still guess it from my experience.

"I couldn't. You looked so cozy." My mom's small smile leaves me no doubt that she's seen us on the couch, and her puppy eyes make the unease crawl on my skin.

"This is not what you think, it was nothing..." I need to make it clear; I don't know why.

"I never said the contrary." She shrugs, and the smile tugging at the corner of her lips is really unnerving for my already blurry mind.

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