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I dedicate this chapter to @xharleenEYDx because it was her birthday yesterday, so this is my little gift for you 🎉😘 I hope you like it and I'm sending you all my love and good wishes! ❤

"What is this list?" Aden's voice pulls my head out of the box I'm currently rummaging through, and actually, it mostly feels like my heart is torn out of my chest.

In just one second, where my heart stops and my blood freezes, all my cheery mood and the warm Christmas spirit around collapse with my dreams of romance. If I've thought that seeing my precious romance plan in Theone's hand has been a nightmare, this is a horror movie. But luckily, my romance doesn't turn that way, at least, not for now.

I let out a breath of relief when I realize the paper in Aden's hand is a lavender color, and I get up to join him near his own pile of boxes, grabbing the paper with my hands still shaking. Though the cold fright is quickly replaced with warmth as I read the capital letters at the top.

"'My list of dreams I want to fulfill when I grow up'... I've written this when I was 12 or something like that." I smile, the glittery multicolor letters calling back the memory of the shiny pens I've loved so much and the time I've spent writing this list quietly in my treehouse.

"Can I look?" Aden asks, his fingers hanging above the delicate paper, which doesn't look like it's almost 15 years old, but in these boxes, a lot of objects and memories are kept intact.

"Sure." I surprise him, leaning closer so we can both look at the list; it's more practical...

"Travel and discover the world... the red pins?" He lifts an eyebrow, his eyes shining lightly under.

I haven't planned for Aden to find this list, yet maybe it's finally a sign of the universe being on my side, or from Santa Claus, because each line of this list is a part of me, and Aden looks very intrigued.

So I nod as he continues reading over my shoulder.

'Attend a masquerade ball and wear a princess dress', 'have my own house and of course decorate it', 'learn a new language', 'kiss Zac Efron'... Okay, let's not forget I've written this at 12, when I've been obsessed with High School Musical, but maybe this is still a little part of me too...

"They're nice dreams." He smiles, bobbing his head.

"Yeah, but I haven't fulfilled any..."

Well, except maybe the 'Find my true love' that I'm working on.

"Don't worry, I made lists when I was younger too, and I haven't fulfilled any either."

My heart flutters as he finds us another thing in common, yet it doesn't pull a smile to my lips, and Aden must notice it because he adds, "Our dreams and goals change with life and all, we change. It's normal... On my list, I think there was 'going to space' or something like that, and I don't think I'll ever go, but you never know!"

He manages to stretch a smile on my lips. He's so adorable, trying to cheer me up with his twinkling cinnamon eyes.

Yet when my gaze falls on the last line of the paper, all the flutters in my chest turn into a heavy weight: 'Work for a famous decoration magazine'. Have my dreams really changed?

The ringing of my phone doesn't let me time to dwell on it, although the cheery Christmas tune doesn't lighten my mood, especially when I see the ID caller.

"What again, Theone?"

I might not sound really friendly, but after his third call, I've kinda lost all my patience, trying to explain him that lightweight felt isn't the same as felt.

MY CHRISTMAS ROMANCEWhere stories live. Discover now