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Another day closer to Christmas, another dedication 😊 Today's chapter is dedicated to @romabloom Since you speak French, I'll say it in my language: Merci pour ton amitié, ma douce, je t'adore 😘❤

I smile in front of the white, red, and green Christmas-themed shapes laying on a large plate in the center of the kitchen's island.

There are a ton more already packed in shiny packets, ready for this afternoon, and actually, we have much more than usual because, after many laughs and not much hesitation, Theone and I have decided that it would be safer to bake some 'normal' cookies, in case the ones made with chemical colorful love wouldn't taste good.

I still don't know how they taste because I haven't got the time to try one between baking twice more cookies than usual, laughing until my stomach hurt, and then cleaning the mess we've made because of course, leaving Theone around sticky, colorful icing isn't wise, and I may have contributed to the mess, but only to strike back and make his cocky left dimple disappear – it hasn't vanished, yet the red icing covered it nicely.

Anyway, we've finished just when Jason and Emily have come back from their shopping trip and Aden has gone back from the hospital. Apparently, the emergency department has been full because of a dubious chocolate mousse at a seniors' Christmas party and of a few reckless kids who couldn't wait for snow to go sledding.

Once everyone has been at home, well, almost everyone, since my mom has still been at work, it's been quite the rush with the dinner, and of course, taking care of Aden like the good 'fake' girlfriend I am. 

Indeed, like my mom has predicted, it's a wrist sprain, and Aden has a bandage to hold his wrist and prevent him from moving it. Luckily, it's his left hand, so he still can write his articles, though I've still insisted to help him the most I can. So with all of this, I haven't even found one minute to grab a cookie.

However, right now, standing alone in the kitchen, there is nothing standing in the way between me and these tempting cookies, and it's exactly the energy I need for today. This is a long day ahead, but I'm ready to tackle it. 

I've listed all the new ideas I've got for the decoration of the function room that we're starting this morning, and I'm still motivated to check something off my other precious secret list. 

Yesterday may not have turned like I've imagined, yet when I look at the snowflake-shaped cookie in my hand, I realize it hasn't been that bad. Actually, it's been really good and surprising.

Just staring at the messy icing that forms a gradation of red and white – because of a little fight we've had with Theone for the colors on this cookie before we've each done our own pile of pastries – it brings back all the lightness in my stomach. It's been so long since I've felt this carefree, and it's been like being a kid again, laughing because of stupid things and being spontaneous. Theone has really lifted my mood as I've been mourning in my despair, and I won't tell him, otherwise I will never hear the end of it, but I think my boost of energy and motivation is thanks to him.

I wonder if the cookies will taste as sweet and light as childhood. From the colorful dots poking out on their bottom side, I think they will, but maybe they'll be a disaster. 

It's weird that we haven't got a review from anyone yet, though it's surely because it's still early, and yes, it's unusual for me to be already up. I don't know what's up with me but my legs feel restless this morning. Maybe I've talked too soon though, as it vanishes when someone enters the kitchen.

"Let me just grab a bottle of water!" Aden appears behind the door in black sweatpants and a matching light jacket, yet it's not this heavenly sight that freezes me; it's the one following.

MY CHRISTMAS ROMANCEWhere stories live. Discover now