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I dedicate this chapter to @Alwyn_Knighton She's as sweet as her books 😊 I was so happy to see your many comments in my notifs, I hope you'll like this story as much as I'm enjoying reading yours!  Thank you and I love you 😘❤

"I think Santa will never bring me my present..."

This small voice isn't the one inside my head, even if it sounds a lot like it, but from the little princess beside me.

"I promise you he will. I'll make sure of it." I turn to Lilly, who has changed her pink tutu for a pair of pants in the same shade, and a glittery, of course, pink, sweater that makes her look still as precious and angelic.

"But almost everyone has already their request," she sighs, pointing at the black Christmas tree, snowman-shaped pinatas ready to be filled with sweets, and the many more various items laying around the room.

"The best presents always take more time." I smile, trying to convince Lilly and my internal doubtful voice at the same time.

She pulls her lip under her two front teeth, apparently reflecting on my words as she throws a glance around the room before she turns back to her paintbrush.

Seeing the way she carefully follows the outlines, her tongue poking out to make sure the red paint is exactly covering the piece of cardboard I've given her, I know I'll make sure that her request will be perfectly answered, and I can almost feel the tickles of nervousness in hope that she'll like it.

Actually, all the kids are really diligent, and thanks to them, in just a few hours, the empty, cold function room is already full of life. It must be the soft laughs echoing around, and all these little hands busying themselves with paint or collage that are making the Christmas spirit float around. Even with all the boxes and various objects lying around, it already feels more magical, and it only lacks one thing that I can't pinpoint, well except of course, for most of the decoration that needs to be done for the party.

"Here's the chocolate fountain!" Theone announces loudly, making all the heads turn to him.

I mean, who wouldn't? It's almost as great as Santa Claus himself. Though it isn't this that is lacking right now.

A series of 'Wow!' echoes around the room, and my gaze follows the direction where all the shining eyes are looking. Theone has opened a large box to pull out a tall chocolate fountain that looks straight out of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, and his green eyes are sparkling as much as all the kids around, maybe even more as he grins proudly.

"Don't you think it's a little too much?" I can't fight my smile as I come closer to the machine that, instead of having one tower to make the chocolate waterfall, has two.

"No, I've promised a chocolate fountain, and here it is. And it's a double one, so it suits all taste!" He grins, knowing his arguments are easily convincing the whole room.

"Can we try it?" Roman, one of the young teens, asks with a smile as wide.

"No, sorry, but we won't have the chocolate until Friday."

Loud sighs resonate around the room this time, and one actually comes from me. Quickly all the heads turn back to their previous activities, leaving Theone with his empty chocolate fountain.

"You should've expected it! A chocolate fountain with no chocolate has no interest!" I laugh lightly in front of his disappointed pout.

"Friday, they'll be at my feet!" He shakes his head as we both look at the shiny machine. "Don't worry, it was on sale, and with your DIY decorations, we've spent way less than the other years," he adds, as if reading my thoughts in front of the tall fountain.

MY CHRISTMAS ROMANCEWhere stories live. Discover now