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I dedicate this chapter to my sweet friend @simmi_10 She's always full of positivity, and that's really inspiring 💕 Besides, some time ago we talked about love and opening our hearts, and I think this chapter is about these struggles 😉 So I hope you'll like this little gift as a thank you for your friendship ❤😘 Love you

*Back to Penelope's POV*

"Penelope! You're ready?!" my mom calls me from the hallway as I smooth the red delicate fabric of my dress.

"Yeah, I'm coming!"

Here we are, Christmas Eve, this is exactly the red dress I've planned to wear, with the same bun, make-up, and accessories. Yet it isn't like I've imagined. 

We're only midday, and there are still many hours before Santa's tour; so many things can still happen, and my stomach knots as I don't even dare to picture anything.

These last few days have taught me that no matter how much you plan things, you can never know, and even less control, what happens. The universe has its own twists to wreck your plans – at least, it's pretty much mangled mine. However, as I add the final touch to my outfit, the golden tiara reminds me that sometimes those twists can be a great thing.

"I'll have to leave you." I turn to my laptop screen, where my amazing two best friends are sipping their cups of coffee or chocolate because it's still early for them, yet they've made this video call to cheer me up and see my outfit. They're definitely the best.

"Go turning heads!" Kyle exclaims with a wiggle of his eyebrows above his cup of chocolate.

So far, the only head turning is mine, as it's spinning more and more with confusion.

"Have fun, but not too much! Santa is watching!" Amy adds with a wink, and their cheerful attitudes make me feel more ready than my whole shiny outfit.

"Merry Christmas, love you!" I blow them a kiss, ending the call and grabbing my purse before I make everyone late.


I jump as soon as I step out in the hallway, the excited screams making me lift up my purse in an attack position like I've done it this morning with my teddy bear.

"You look stunning!"

"A real Christmas princess!" Emily nods at the tiara on top of my head.

"You too! You're Christmas queens!" I become as excited as I let my gaze take in my mom's navy blue dress highlighting her curves and her clear eyes, and Emily's golden suit shining as much as her smile.

"We should go because the men are waiting downstairs." My mom winks, and I start to really feel that it's Christmas with the excitement tickling my skin.

It's exactly what I've needed to be reminded of. I've been so lost in the blur of my thoughts and knots of my stomach that I've forgotten to enjoy the Christmas spirit. This day only happens once a year, and it's my favorite, so I'll savor every little moment, even if it isn't perfect, and I'm gonna start with this tradition that I love: walking down the stairs in a princess dress.

It might sound cheesy, but it's a tradition in our family. Every year before the Orphanage Christmas Eve Party, every girl in the house walks down the stairs while all the men are watching her – you know, kinda like in the movies. I've always loved this tradition. 

I remember when I've been little, hiding behind the wall to peek at the look in my dad's eyes when my mom has walked down the stairs – in all those years, the sparkle lighting up in his eyes hasn't changed – then, I've followed, feeling like a princess under my dad and Jason's cheers. Now, there is Emily joining, and this year, there will be two other pairs of eyes to watch me going down the stairs. My heart jumps at this thought, yet I don't know if it's in eagerness or fear. 

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