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I dedicate this chapter to @Bookwriters_Paradise because she's a talented artist and beautiful soul who is also volunteering and helping others, and this chapter just makes me think of her ❤ Thank you for your support and friendship 😘

8 a.m. on the dot, I can hear the church bells ring in the distance, and I'm standing in the center square of the town, near the large fountain that has been emptied of its water for the Winter and that is now wearing its seasonal scarfs of tinsels. I'm just in time, thanks to Bill, which is probably the only one on my side and has only stalled once.

I throw a glance around, recognizing the Christmas decorations the town puts on every year and noticing they have added large flowerpots of poinsettias and a few fairy lights that must look magical in the night. The buildings around are still the same, my gaze sliding on the few shops and the 'Bon Appetit' restaurant before they stop on the big letters 'BANK OF', our town name being hidden by the tall Christmas tree standing in front. 

I'm reminded clearly why I'm here at this early hour as the iron curtain is slowly lifting up with a grinding noise. It isn't that I've forgotten; there is no way I could have when all my thoughts have been spiraling around this since last night. Yet now I can physically feel them in my body, weighing on my chest, spinning in my stomach, and straining my muscles. 

All the holidays magic of the trees around, the white snowflake stickers on the window displays, and the wooden sleigh isn't enough to distract me as every possible scenario that I've come up with during the long hours of my sleepless night are rushing back in my head. Though waiting in front of the open door of the bank, there aren't many possibilities: either it's about money, and my meager savings won't save me, or it's a public announcement to humiliate me, but given there are only two elderly people and a few pigeons, that's not likely.

"Right on time, Penny!" I jump out of my thoughts as the voice that calls me behind is about to end all my questioning, and maybe also my reputation.

I turn around to see Theone getting out of a shiny black car that he's managed to park on the closest parking spot, while I've struggled to find a spot to put Bill barely five minutes ago.

"It must be really important for you!" He walks to me with a smug smile, his hands in the pockets of his black jacket and a few curls poking out of his gray beanie.

Watching him like this, so casual and smiley, you wouldn't guess he is about to announce me his evil deal.

"Okay, can you get straight to the point?" I ask as I'm suddenly aware of the cold of the morning with a shiver running down my spine. I've been boiling in my spiraling thoughts so much that I haven't noticed until now, though Theone's satisfied smirk might make me burn in anger really soon.

"Yeah, let's go!" He just nods and turns around without answering my question.

"Wait! I..." I glance back at the bank, which he's walking away from, making all my overthought suppositions crumble down, and I don't know if I should feel relieved or scared. But anyway, I'm rooted to the spot.

"Did you think I would ask you for money?!"

I quickly close my mouth as he bursts out laughing. "No, I didn't!" I defend myself with another lie.

"I don't need your money. I probably have way more than you!" He shakes his head, and I've been right: his mocking laugh is making me forget the cold as my blood is starting to simmer once again.

"So what do you want?" I quickly join him when he starts walking again.

Yet I still don't get my answer as he's struggling to catch his breath, and I'm starting to wonder if he hasn't asked me to come here just to laugh at me. Who I am kidding? He's done it on purpose. The meeting in front of the bank, and not telling me anything, he just likes to play on my nerves. I shouldn't even be surprised; it seems to be his only goal since I know him. 

MY CHRISTMAS ROMANCEWhere stories live. Discover now