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'Merry Christmas or The Christmas graduation

Here we are, already the last day of these articles. I would have never thought I would say this, but I'm going to miss them. I've really enjoyed writing these articles, and even more my journey to find the Christmas spirit.

I think it's a Christmas miracle, but yes, I've found the Christmas spirit; the little elf has certified it, and I'm currently wearing an ugly Christmas sweater and seeping an eggnog, so you can really say I'm Christmas graduated!

Now I understand that the holidays are all about sharing moments with your family and loved ones, and also why this time of the year is special, even better, I feel it.

We could say that it's because it's the end of the year, and after running all year long, we need to slow down and reflect, yet I think it's the contrary: it's this period that makes us slow down and rethink our priorities. 

It could also be the cold that favors the coziness, the wonders of the delicate snow falling, but I haven't witnessed those precious snowflakes, and Christmas, Hannukah, and all these holidays are celebrated all over the world, from the North Pole to the South Pole, under the sun or under the snow. 

So it isn't this, neither a commercial strategy, even if it's clear by the turnovers of this period that the businesses use it to their benefits. I will stop before boring you with my economics stats, and I will talk about feelings – this proves how much these holidays have changed me.

There is something special in the air during this period, and it comes from various details: the shiny decorations, the sweet desserts, the warm drinks, the sprigs of mistletoe, the cheery songs, the activities and traditions together, the children's laughs... and so much more. Yet these are just means and results: means to bring people together, and results of the love they have for each other.

The decorations gather families around the trees to decorate and admire them, and they're even more special if they're homemade (I suggest you to check my friend Penelope Jensen's blog for magical ideas). There are also the chocolates, the cookies, and all the food specialties made with love and shared with even more care, the activities, whether they are board games, fancy parties, releases of lanterns, Christmas markets... they all reunite and make you go back the simple joy of childhood. That brings us back to the children's laughs... 

Maybe the Christmas spirit is also going back to the child you are at heart, remaining open to all the wonders around us, whether it's in places or people, and forgetting your fears and worries. It isn't much different from the love I was talking about. Kids have pure hearts and dreamer minds. They believe in magic; they feel it, and it's the same with the Christmas spirit.

While searching for the Christmas spirit, I've also learned to open my heart, and that's how I've found this magic. We all have wounds from the past that make us build a strong carapace around this little muscle, but that's the beauty of Christmas: it reminds us to open up, believe, and feel the love around us.

To be clear, when I talk about love, I'm talking about all forms of love:

 - The love of your family, something we often take for granted – I was guilty of that, but during this journey, I've realized that no matter how weird they can be, how old you are, having a family who loves you is a precious chance that not everyone has.

 - Which leads us to another kind of sharing and giving love: love for great causes. During these last days, I've helped for a beautiful cause that is an orphanage, and these adorable kids have helped me a lot to find the Christmas spirit. They all are amazing, no matter their ages, and they all deserve so much love (I will post addresses and information at the end of this article if you want to donate to this cause or maybe even find out more about adoptions). But there are also so many other amazing causes and charities that you can help. I promise that helping, giving, and sharing is the most fulfilling feeling in the world; that's the Christmas spirit.

 - Coming back to the different kinds of love, there is the love of friends, old friends, new friends, all these people who support you through it all. They're like a family that you've chosen and that keeps growing if you stay open.

- There is also the love for your dreams, your passion, that something sparking magic inside your soul.

 - And finally, there is the romantic love, but not just a crush or something like that. No, the love for the 'right one', the true love like they call it, the kind of love that only a few lucky ones experience.

I have a little surprise for you about this last one because what the holidays would be without cheesy romances? The little elf wouldn't disagree...

So I'm gonna tell you a special one that I've been honored to witness. It's about the two people who really have helped me find the holidays spirit.

Their love is in fact a lot like the Christmas spirit, especially because they can act really childish when they're together – I've never seen two people bickering so much! 

The first time I saw them together, I instantly felt the sparks between them, and I thought they would strangle each other. Yet I quickly realized the sparks were something more, just like the fairy lights of a Christmas tree are more than a commercial strategy. When they're together, they give off this unique warmth and coziness. Anyone who sees them can tell you this; if even I, who was so oblivious to feelings, noticed it, it means a lot. 

They were the only ones who were blind to it. But just like you can't help humming at least one Christmas song during this period, they couldn't fight this special magic between them. The more they spent time together – miraculously without killing each other – the more the sparks grew until it was an unextinguishable fire of love. 

They bring out the best in each other, and if each on their own is already powerful, together they're unstoppable. 

Luckily they've realized it before it was too late in a Hollywood-worthy declaration at the train station on Christmas Eve. I wasn't there, so I can't tell you the details, but when they came back, they were still bickering, but with the biggest smiles and in each other's arms.

And I have no doubt their love will continue to be this magical every day.

Maybe they're an example of why we should keep spreading the Christmas spirit all year long. Maybe not the sparkly decorations and the ugly sweaters, and our stomachs and jeans wouldn't handle if we ate this much all year. But the love, we should keep spreading and sharing it, caring for each other all year long, showing love every day to the people around us and also to the great causes that need support all year long.

I hope I helped you feel a little of this Christmas spirit through my journey, and in the end, it doesn't matter why this period is special, just enjoy it however you want. 

After all, that's the time of the year we can be too much with tinsels, ugly sweaters, and cookies. So enjoy it, and remember to keep your hearts open all year. Feel and share that magical spirit of love every day, that will be the best gift.

Merry Christmas!'

I hope you liked this little surprise!! 😁😉 I think we see the difference with the Aden from the start! At least, a part of Penny's plan has worked: he's opened his heart! ❤🤩

I kinda wrote this chapter from my heart, and it describes quite well what this story and all your support on it have brought me: LOVE!!! I had so much fun writing this story, and I'm still having a lot of fun and emotions writing the epilogue coming tomorrow... 😏😉✨

Don't forget to vote ⭐ and comment to show your support for the adorable Aden! 😉❤

I LOVE YOU, MY LITTLE ELVES (I think I can still say this 😁🎄🎅🏼✨😘❤)

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