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I dedicate this chapter to @susjoyfully because she inspired me a lot with the decorations! She's such a cool grandma and a sweet human! Love you and thanks for your inspiration 😘❤

Well, the song might give you a hint... 😏😉🎄

"So we know you two met at work, but who asked out the other?"

The question pulls me out of my thoughts of fairy lights, baubles, and tissue papers like Christmas bells ringing.

"And where was your first date?" My mom completes Emily's question.

"Oh, yes, we would love to know!" Theone's mischievous grin turns the little Christmas ringing into a warning alarm.

Of course, the meal has gone too well so far. The conversation has revolved around the upcoming Christmas events, Emily and Jason's new house, and Theone's travels, and there hasn't been any incident, except for the fact that there have been no crackers left when Theone and I have arrived thanks to Bill, which has refused to start.

I squint my eyes at Theone, holding myself from kicking him under the table. But what he and his dimples don't know is that I have everything planned, and Aden proves it instantly.

"It's me." Aden smiles. "Penelope had organized me a little surprise birthday party at work, she'd cooked cupcakes and all, and it had been a while that I tried to ask her out, so I gathered my courage and invited her for a date after work."

It's exactly what I've written in the e-mail I've sent him, and actually, it isn't a total lie. The first part is real; I've indeed organized him a birthday party, and the rest is what I would have hoped to happen instead of him thanking me for this friendly gesture.

However, right now, his gestures look more than friendly as he puts an arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer. My heart is soaring, and Theone's smirk disappearing in a small O makes the tingles on my skin even warmer.

"So I had barely one hour to find the perfect outfit and get ready, and I got late because of the traffic," I continue explaining.

Always add little difficulties because who's ever had a perfect first date? Not me at least!

"How surprising!" Jason notes, as he hates waiting when he's hungry, and the 30 minutes late of today's lunch are clearly not digested yet.

"Hey! Today it wasn't my fault! It's because of Bill!"

"Leave my poor Bill out of this!" my dad interrupts with a hand on his chest. "The poor truck is left alone in the streets!"

I shake my head, not even trying to understand my dad's love for this car anymore. "Anyway, I got late, but Aden had waited for me, and we had a delicious moment at this fancy restaurant. Then, we took a walk around the Golden Gate Park and ended watching the stars as there was a meteor shower this night." I let a faint dreamy sigh as if recalling the memory when it's just a daydreamed movie in my head. 

Well, the meteor shower has really happened, and I've even watched it in the Golden Gate Park, yet it's been with Amy, and we haven't been able to see many stars, as we've been both pretty wasted.

"It was the best birthday!" Aden finishes, and I don't know if he's won my family's hearts, but he's got mine.

"Aww, it's beautiful!" my mom and Emily both exclaim almost at the same time.

"As long as you've only watched stars..." my dad grumbles, grabbing a chocolate from the box that is passing from hands to hands around the table and that is getting emptier and emptier.

MY CHRISTMAS ROMANCEWhere stories live. Discover now