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I dedicate this chapter to one of the first friends I've made here when I've started writing already 1 year and a half ago now: @eva_zahan  She's also the one who inspired me to create an Instagram account! So I'll try to say it in your language: Dhonnobad (thank you) for your support and sweetness 😘❤

"No?! It can't be happening?! Not now!"

I see my perfect Christmas romance melt away like a snowman under the spring sun, along with all my hope and my heart in a snowball effect, while the flight attendant in front of me stays unblinking.

Okay, I might be exaggerating. This is just a canceled flight, but without this plane, my romance and my holidays are canceled.

"I really need to go there. These holidays are really important for me." I grasp the counter to avoid shaking the tall and skinny woman.

"The holidays are important for everyone."

Why? Do you distribute charcoal on the 24th? I press my lips together in a tight smile to not retort this upon her condescending tone.

"But there is a fog, so all the flights are canceled until further notice, and then with the holidays rush, the first seats available are on the 26th."

Does she do it on purpose? I swear I see a glint of delight in her clear eyes. Maybe I should try another technique.

"It's really important, so I'm willing to pay."

"Are you trying to corrupt me, Miss?" She lifts one of her painted eyebrows. "Because it doesn't work with me."

"No, no... I..." I lose my words in front of her judging gaze, the wrinkles around her eyes only accentuating her disdain.

Why doesn't she understand that it's more than important for me? It's my last chance. Without plane, there are no family holidays, and no reason for Aden to pretend to be my boyfriend, so there is no possibility to turn it into a Christmas romance. I guess now I just have to pray for Santa's sleigh to fly us there.

"It's okay, we'll find another solution." A large hand on my arm spreads warmth until my heart.

This is no Santa, but this could be my Christmas miracle: a gentle smile and soothing voice that makes me want to lean into his warm arms.

"I'm sure there is another way," Aden adds, turning to the unfriendly woman. "Is there other means of transport to go there or at least join another airport?"

"Yes, of course." The female version of the Grinch smiles. Yes, she smiles, the first smile she gives since we've been waiting in this long line.

I guess this is Aden's charm. But this is almost ridiculous because she could be his grandmother, and she is literally eating him with her eyes.

"You can find all the information at the counter near the entrance." Here, another smile addressed to Aden, while I'm seething beside.

But if we can have a way to go home, I will be happily boiling in a cinnamon latte, especially when Aden focuses his tender eyes on me again.

"See, we'll be a little late, but we'll make it to New Jersey." He glances back at the flight attendant with the same smile. "Thank you, Mrs."

I don't even spare her another look. I'm sure she wouldn't want to see my face again anyway.

I keep my gaze in front instead, looking for the aforesaid counter, but it seems impossible with the people teeming everywhere in the wide white hall.

MY CHRISTMAS ROMANCEWhere stories live. Discover now