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I dedicate this chapter to my little didu @NaturalSole128  She's the one who educated me about Indian sweets, and she's as sweet as the Kajukatri 😉😋 I won't say the word, or she'll get mad, but I love you and I'm grateful for your support ❤😘

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. and Mr. Jensen."

After too many hours, which I've stopped counting after we've gone past ten, I suddenly feel a rush of energy as I watch Aden greet my parents and I'm engulfed in my mom's loving embrace. My headache is still there, but the reasons behind it appear far away, the dangerous curse words that would have earned me a spot on the naughty list if I had done more than thinking them too.

"Oh, please, call us Marta and Jin." My mom welcomes Aden with the same warm embrace she's just given me as I find my dad's arms and his typical wooden scent.

It has been worth it, the screaming, boisterous kids of the plane flight, and the chatterbox Victoria-Secret-model-looking woman of the bus ride. Yes, I've asked Aden to switch seats, pretending I've been getting sick in the back of the bus, when it has actually been jealousy that has turned my stomach. Though I've regretted it when I've found out that the gorgeous woman has been a chatterbox. She hasn't tried to flirt with me like she's done it with Aden, yet she would have chatted with a window setting or a Christmas tree. I still don't know what has been worse between the little monsters and the woman non-stop blabbering, but I hope they all end up on Santa's naughty list.

"I've heard a lot about you." Aden smiles warmly as he shakes my dad's hand.

It's crazy and almost unfair how a whole tiring day of traveling has done nothing to his handsome face, while I must look like the Grinch.

"Well, we can't say the same since Penelope is a secretive little child!" My mom shakes her head, keeping her tender smile.

I just smile sheepishly in return, throwing a glance at Aden and praying that there won't be any awkwardness because I'm too tired to handle too many lies. But luckily, another apparition saves me before I need to recite my lies once again.

"Is that my favorite little sis?!"

"I'm your only sister, my only and least favorite brother!" I taunt, still rushing to hug my brother's tall frame.

I still don't understand how Jason can be that tall when neither I, nor my parents are exceeding 5'6. But he is undoubtfully part of this family with his sharp angular eyes that are the same as my dad's and his plump lips that form the same smile as my mom's.

"Is that my favorite sister-in-law?" I extract myself from my brother's bear hug to meet his beautiful wife.

"I'm your only sister-in-law." She shakes her head. "But now it seems that I have a brother-in-law," she whispers to me, her twinkling brown eyes traveling between Aden, on the other side, and me.

"Yes, Aden, this is Jason, my brother, and Emily, his amazing wife." I point to the two who have already found each other's arms before I go back to Aden. "Emily, Jason, this is Aden, my boyfriend."

I will never get tired of pronouncing this. It sounds so good. Aden, my boyfriend...

But I'm pulled out of my daydream by my brother's deep voice, well deeper than his usual voice as he's trying to sound impressive. "You better behave like a gentleman with my little sister."

I'm about to tell him off or maybe hit him when Emily does both – I've told you she is amazing.

"Come on! Like you've ever been a gentleman with me!"

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