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Surprise!! I'm here with another chapter, and of course another dedication because Christmas is getting closer (I feel like Santa saying this lol 😅🎅🏼) Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to the cute and talented @XxValDayxX Thank you for your friendship, I love you, sweetie 😘❤🎄

*Theone's POV*

Wow! This dude can be scary sometimes! The way he's wiggled his eyebrows before 'leaving us alone to talk' sends shivers down my spine. 

Maybe I shouldn't have told him. Yet I've needed to talk to someone; I've needed advice, and even if Jason is sometimes – more like all the time – crazy and weird, he knows more about these things than I do. Besides, it concerns him in some way, and he knows her more than anyone else. Finally, he's my best friend, and that's the main reason why I trust him.

"What was that?" Penny glances her big blue eyes between me and the now-closed door.

"I don't know. You're all weird in this family," I lie barefacedly, but I'm not gonna 'talk' to her between a box of cereals and two toasts.

"Hey!" she protests, and I can't help but smirk as I cock an eyebrow at the teddy bear she's holding tightly.

"What were you planning to do with him?" I point at her hand, and she straightens up, realizing she's still lifting it in her hand, and fuck, she's cute, trying to save her dignity with her reindeer shirt.

"I grabbed the first thing I saw, and don't judge me, because I was still asleep and Holly can be fierce!" She moves the teddy bear like a puppet before putting it aside on the table and taking a seat across from me. "Why was he screaming like that at such an early hour by the way?"

Well, it's quite a shock for Jason to learn that I'm in love with his little sister. It's had the same effect on me when I've come to this realization last night. 

Yes, last night, it's hit me like a truck; I know I'm slow on the uptake, but I've never felt anything like this. It's the first time I'm in love, and I would have never expected I would fall for Penny, the annoying sister of my best friend. 

At first, I've thought she'd infected me with her eggnog fever because my stomach keeps fluttering, and I'm always restless and shivering. But now that I have her ocean blue eyes in front of me, there's no doubt: I'm in love, and I'm fucked.

Okay, Jason is apparently supporting me, even if I know he'll make me his speech about how he'll break my bones if I ever dare to hurt her, which I would never. As much as I love to tease her and annoy her until her freckles are moving up with the scrunch of her nose, I could never handle to hurt her. The fragility her jerk of ex has left in her eyes, I already can't stand it, and her tears... I've just wanted to kiss them away until her eyes could shine like a starry sky.

"Are you here?" She waves her hand in front of me before rolling her eyes and getting up.

"Sorry, what?"

"Jason, why was he screaming?" she repeats, now stretching to reach for something in the highest cupboard, and fuck, here I am again, checking her out. 

How can I focus with those shorts? They leave little yet too much to the imagination, and the way her tee-shirt inches up to give a glimpse of the soft skin of her lower back... I really have to get a grip on myself. Just five days ago, I would have never imagined I would be drooling over Penny like that, even though I gotta admit that I've always noticed how beautiful she is – I'm a man, what.

Before I know it, my legs lead me to stand behind her, and I grab the maple syrup she's been trying to reach. I'm just helping her, nothing else, of course... yet the warmth of her petite body so close is enough to awake me fully.

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