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I dedicate this chapter to @yuvikadaga because she was the first one to vote on the first chapter, and even if she's one of my new readers, we've already shared a lot! She's a talented and sweet soul that I'm now honored to call a friend! Thank you for your support 😘❤

"Here it is." I smile proudly, pulling out and unfolding a piece of paper.

My friends remain unmoved, squinting their eyes at my miraculous reveal. Though their drunk gazes and the flashing neon lights must not let them see much.

"What is it? Is that a rocket? Or maybe a d–"

"It's a Christmas tree!" I gasp as Kyle points to my little work of art next to the big bold letters in the center, and they both snicker under their breaths. "Hey! Try to draw in a packed subway with people shoving you around!" I narrow my eyes back at them.

"So what is written?" Amy lifts an eyebrow, handing me back the list, as she gives up reading my subway spidery handwriting. "I came here to dance! So hurry up!" She wiggles her shoulders, her skinny white dress highlighting her curvy silhouette and dark skin.

You can note that her goal has changed; it isn't to find me a boyfriend at all costs. Well, the fact that we're currently at Kyle's favorite gay night club might be helping. Though with Amy, you never know, and she could still come back with a fishing rod at any moment to help me 'fishing'. However, with this piece of paper, I will make sure she will never need to search me a boyfriend again.

"My plan to make Aden fall in love with me," I explain, even if they already know this since I've told them at lunchtime when my idea has popped up.

What they want to know is how, and after all, that's the reason why I'm here, why I've traded my reindeer slippers for high heels and my warm blanket for a red skirt.

"You know how in a lot of Christmas movies, they pretend to be a couple and end up falling in love?" I ask because, for me, it's a well-known fact but surely not for everyone.

"No?! Don't tell me you're gonna ask Aden to be your 'fake fiancé'?!" Amy puts down her drink, sign that I've really got her attention.

"No, not my fiancé, my fake boyfriend. But you just spoiled all my explanations!" I complain at my best friend, who knows me too much, while Kyle's wide eyes are gaping between the two of us.

"Oh, no, because you gotta explain how you think this can work!" Amy shakes her head, her eyes growing as big as Kyle's.

"Well, I'm gonna pretend my family is pressuring me to find a boyfriend, and Aden, being the sweetheart he is, will accept to be my fake boyfriend for the holidays. Then, as we will spend a perfect Christmas together, he will realize we're perfect for each other." I smile, repeating the romantic scenario that I've planned in my head all afternoon.

"Don't you think it's taking advantage of Aden? And lying to him and your family?" Amy winces. Of course, I've expected that from her rational mind.

"A little... but in the end, I'm not forcing him into anything. It will allow him to discover a real Christmas holiday to write his articles, and for once, he won't be alone on the 24th. And if we end up together, then it won't really be a lie to my family..." I do my puppy eyes, even if I think my arguments are enough convincing and reasonable.

"Yeah, that's better than my kidnapping idea." Kyle shrugs, taking a sip of his exotic cocktail that I surely can't pronounce the name. "But how is this gonna make him fall him love with you?"

"That's the plan here!" I wave my precious piece of paper. "I've taken all the must-haves of my favorite Christmas romances. He will see me in a new light, away from work and the city, and after following those little steps: a kiss under the mistletoe, baking cookies together, a walk at the Christmas market, etc... he should fall for me."

MY CHRISTMAS ROMANCEWhere stories live. Discover now